How to refill a laser printer. How to properly refill a laser printer. What to do if your GPU is overheating

Remove the cover. Add toner. Close the lid. Insert back into the device. I must say that refilling the laser gun is not difficult at all. If you follow certain rules and don’t lose consciousness when hearing the words “screwdriver” and “pliers.” Because these are the tools you need to refill a laser printer cartridge yourself.

Laser printers are refilled with a special powder called toner.

All printers have different toners. The manufacturer usually indicates on toner bottles a list of models for which a particular powder is intended.

The toner is chemically very dangerous, you should use it carefully.

It is important to know whether the cartridge has a special chip that blocks the operation of the device after the consumable has exhausted its resource. If yes, then it is better to take it to a gas station.

Security measures

All components of toner for printing devices are very toxic. To avoid poisoning, before refilling a laser printer cartridge, you should wear rubber gloves, a robe or other clothing that you don’t mind.

Toner replacement should be done in a well-ventilated area. Since small particles of toner dust can even pass through a special gas mask. You can arm yourself with a respirator or gauze bandage. But they are unlikely to help if even the gas mask allows dust particles to pass through.

The table on which the laser printer cartridge will be refilled should be covered with newspaper or something similar.

What are cartridges made of?

There are two types of laser cartridges. Some have a special hole for pouring powder into the hopper, others do not. With such a model you will have to tinker in order to get to the toner compartment.

The print cartridge consists of two parts. The first is the dye hopper. The second is a container for collecting garbage and powder residues.

Replacing the toner in a cartridge is carried out in two stages: first cleaning the waste container, then refilling it.

How to clean a laser printer cartridge

Now you need to disassemble and clean the garbage container from dirt. To do this, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws that secure the side plugs of the housing. Then carefully pull out the photosensitive drum. It is important not to grab it with your fingers by the main surface, but try to hold it on the sides or by the gear, otherwise the drum will deteriorate and will be unsuitable for subsequent use. After the photo roll is removed from the case, it is advisable to place it away from the main workspace, covering it with a newspaper or sheet of paper to prevent light and dust from entering.

Then you need to remove the charging shaft (rubberized part), which is located under the photosensitive drum. At the same time, remember that all parts must be taken by the side parts. Since damage to the surface of these parts will result in poor print quality.

Now we unscrew the cleaning blade, which is called a squeegee. And carefully, so that the remaining powder and debris do not fly around, turn over and shake out the container. We carefully clean all the parts from paint residues and put them back together. In filling workshops they use a special vacuum cleaner, with which they clean the entire body of the printing device.

Refilling the printer

The toner hopper is located in the second half of the print module. Most often, access to the refill hole is located on the side under a plastic cover. But there are cartridges whose design does not provide holes for filling in paint. In this case, you will have to completely unscrew the cartridge and pour toner into the slot through which it falls onto the magnetic roller. Sometimes a hole is made in the hopper and cartridges are refilled this way. Avoiding complete disassembly and cleaning of the entire cartridge.

Having opened the cap of the magnetic hopper, take the toner purchased in advance at an office equipment store, and using a funnel or an A4 sheet rolled into it, pour the powder into the hopper. Do not fill the hopper completely, as this may cause the cartridge to jam. There should be one and a half to two centimeters left to the edge. Then close the lid, assemble both parts and insert the refilled cartridge into the device.

Nuances that you need to pay attention to when refilling toners yourself.

It often happens that laser printer cartridges are equipped with a print counter chip. To refill them, you should contact specialists to reset the data in the chip’s memory or to replace it. Even if you manage to do all the dirty work at home, the printer will simply refuse to work, since “according to its calculations, the resource has already been used up.”

An important question is “How many times can a cartridge be refilled?” It all depends on the cartridge itself. On average, this amount ranges from 5 to 15 times. Moreover, during every 3–6 refueling it is necessary to perform a restoration. This is a procedure for replacing consumable parts that need to be replaced as they wear out.

In general, refilling is not such a difficult task. But you should take on this business only when you are confident that everything will work out. Otherwise, you will have to buy a new cartridge, and its cost is often comparable to the cost of the device itself. And all the expected savings from the “independent service” will come to naught. If you still have questions about how to refill a laser cartridge, we recommend that you read the instructions for refilling your particular model. To do this, go to the section.

As you use your printer intensively, you will soon be faced with a choice: buy a new ink cartridge or simply refill the existing one. Of course, the easiest way is to buy special paint and refill the cartridge that you already have. But how to refill an HP laser cartridge yourself?

The principle of refueling is quite simple; the only thing worth paying attention to is the order in which the work is carried out. Follow all steps of the instructions in a clear sequence and do not forget to prepare the place where the procedure will be performed. If you do everything correctly, then there will definitely be no problems.

How to refill an HP laser printer cartridge - start with preparation

In order to refill HP laser cartridges yourself, you need to purchase toner - special ink in powder form. Try to find the one that suits your model, the quality of the print depends on it.

If the issue with the toner is resolved, then you can start working. Find the best working area and cover it with newspaper in case the toner spills. The powder can harm you, so wear rubber gloves and try to avoid getting the substance in your eyes.

Take precautions

It is important to remember that the toner used to refill printer cartridges is quite toxic. It contains harmful elements such as lead and cadmium. Therefore, the dye should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin, much less the respiratory tract. Refill the cartridge only with rubber gloves and a protective gown!

In addition, it is advisable to carry out all work in a well-ventilated area where there are no children or pets. It is best to wear safety glasses over your eyes and protect your nose and mouth with a respiratory mask. Be careful not to spill toner.

Often, when working with a cartridge, a small amount of toner gets on your hands. No one is immune from this. Even the most careful master. In this case, it is enough to wash off the toner with warm (but not hot!) water and soap.

The most important stage is the selection of high-quality ink. The user manual and printer packaging indicate the models of built-in cartridges. It is for them that you must buy paint. Unfortunately, there is no ink available from the printer manufacturer, so don't skimp on good ink or you'll end up with poor printing, dry nozzles, and a faulty printer.

  1. Let's move on to refueling. Remove the cartridges from the carriage by pulling the special plastic tip or pressing the release button. Examine the tank. On the back you will see a sticker that covers the filling holes, carefully remove it, but do not throw it away! Usually, cartridges have ready-made holes for refilling, but if you don’t find any, then make careful punctures with a needle in the corresponding recesses.
  2. Draw 2-3 ml of paint into the syringe, insert the needle 2-3 centimeters into the cartridge and slowly inject the liquid. 1 ml of ink takes 15-20 seconds. When filling the container with a strong stream, you risk getting air bubbles, which is strictly contraindicated. Drops of ink on the bottom will notify you of excess filling. Take a little paint with a syringe, blot the nozzles with a paper napkin and wipe with alcohol. Return the sticker.
  3. Refilling a color cartridge requires care not to mix up the ink tanks. A quick way to identify ink is to directly insert a needle into the container and pump out the remaining ink into the syringe. Use a new needle and syringe for each hole to avoid mixing paints. Inject ink into each reservoir before filling and wipe the printing system with alcohol after filling.

Important advice. Print five, or in some cases more, test pages to ensure the toner is properly seated in the reservoir and evenly distributed to the print rollers. Only after this can you begin full-time work.

Summarizing the above, I would like to add that although the price of refilling a laser printer cartridge is not very high, why would anyone pay anything if it can be done independently and, moreover, without much effort.

How to Handle Toner Powder

Toner is a dust-like mixture of various resins, graphite, iron powder and other components. For different models of LP and, accordingly, TC, the composition of the toner is strictly individual.

Toner should be stored at room temperature in a tightly closed container.

When using toner, make sure that water, especially hot water, does not come into contact with it. Avoid handling toner near open flames or heating elements. Failure to follow these rules can lead, at best, to loss of toner properties, and at worst, to burnout.

Before refilling the TK, the container with toner powder should be shaken vigorously for several seconds to eliminate lumps.

Avoid contact of toner powder with the respiratory tract or eyes, as this may cause various allergic reactions. Therefore, when working with toner, it is advisable to use eye protection (closed glasses) and respiratory protection (respirator). The workplace should be ventilated as often as possible.

You cannot use powder from the waste toner bin to refill the TC.

The volume of refilled toner cannot be more than necessary. To clarify the volume of toner to be refilled into the cartridge, you should make inquiries. Typically, the refill volume is indicated on the toner bottle for one-time refills.

Since recently there have been cases of low-quality toner appearing on sale, some caution should be exercised when purchasing it. For example, for a Hewlett Packard TV it is best to use original toner, but using toner made in Japan and South Korea is undesirable.

Refilling the toner cartridge

The cartridge, as a rule, structurally consists of two halves connected by latches (for example, types HP C3903A, HP 92274A) or fixing inserts (HP C3906A, HP C4092A), therefore, before refilling the TC, its halves must be separated.

After this, take half of the cartridge with a transparent plastic plug, remove it with pliers and pour new toner powder into the resulting hole through a funnel (this is true for TC types HP C3906A, HP C4092A, etc.).

When using cartridges HP C3903A, HP 92274A, E16 and the like, the powder is poured into the opened transverse hole in small portions along its entire length. In this case, the plastic plug is not removed.

The cartridge can be refilled with toner without disassembling it. To do this, a hole with a diameter of 8...12 mm is drilled on the body of the wall of the toner hopper and the cartridge is refilled through it. After filling, the hole is sealed with tape. The waste toner bin (see below) can also be cleaned through a hole drilled in its body.

Cleaning the waste toner box

If the waste toner box and cartridge elements are not cleaned when refilling a cartridge, the life of the cartridge will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is advisable to clean the waste toner bin every time you refill the cartridge. The hopper is usually located on the second detachable half of the cartridge. To clean the hopper, first carefully remove the photosensitive drum (SB) by removing the metal inserts that secure it (located on the sides of the cartridge half).

The light-sensitive drum of various types of cartridges can be green, blue or pink.

Necessary rules for handling the Photosensitive Drum

The SB is handled with special care so as not to damage the coating applied to it.

Do not allow the SB to remain in bright light for a long time.

Do not touch the working surface of the printer with your hands, as grease stains that are invisible to the eye may form and affect the print quality.

After removing the SB, it must be cleaned of caked-on toner. Cleaning is done with a soft material with a small amount of toner applied to it. The SB removed for the period of prophylaxis is stored in a place protected from light.

The rubber charge shaft (PCR), located next to the SB, is removed from the spring clamps. The roller is cleaned of paper dust and toner residues using a soft material. The resource of the PCR shaft is about 30,000 pages.

After this, remove the cleaning scraper SB (a metal plate, on the edge of which a soft plastic insert is attached along its entire length), under which the actual hopper with waste toner is located. Clean the hopper of toner residues, and also check the integrity of the plastic scraper cover.

Check and clean other elements of the cartridge.

First, check the integrity of the cartridge gears by manually turning them. After this, use a hard brush to clean the gears from any caked-on toner residues. Particular attention is paid to the integrity of the elements of the toner mixing mechanism (the blade of the mechanism is located inside the toner hopper).

On one half of the cartridge, use a vacuum cleaner to clean the magnetic drum from toner (this element has the most stuck toner) and check it for vertical scratches. If necessary, replace the scratched outer aluminum shell of the drum cylinder. Often the cause of these scratches is the accumulation of various debris under the plastic insert of the scraper (squeegee) of the magnetic drum. In this case, remove the scraper and clean it and the cavity underneath with a vacuum cleaner.

On cartridges of types HP C3903A, HP 92274A, it is necessary to check the functionality of the magnetic drum elements. To do this, on the half of the cartridge on which the magnetic drum itself is located (the hopper must be filled with toner), turn the drum gear by hand away from the scraper. The surface of the drum should have a velvety appearance (from adhering toner) all the way through when the gear rotates fully.

After refilling the cartridge, checking and cleaning its elements, assemble both halves of the cartridge in reverse order. During assembly, special attention is paid to the integrity of the electrical contacts, respectively, between the contact pads on the TC housing and the central rod of the PCR roller, the SB housings and the aluminum cylinder of the magnetic drum.

Possible cartridge malfunctions and ways to eliminate them.

Attention! This section only covers cartridge problems. This assumes that the laser printer is fully functional.

1. When printing, the LP produces a white blank sheet

Loss of contact between the metal pads on the TC body and the internal elements of the cartridge. To eliminate the defect, the TC is completely disassembled and cleaned, then the contact circuits are checked using an ohmmeter (see above).

Low sensitivity of the SB due to exposure to bright light (the drum coating should have a darker shade in this case), aggressive environments (ammonia or corrosive fumes). The best way to check the quality of the SB is to replace it. You should also check the fastening of the gear on the SB shaft (it can rotate relative to the drum).

2. When printing, the LP produces a black sheet.

A possible cause of the malfunction may be a lack of contact between the metal rod of the PCR shaft and the contact pad on the TC body. Often a malfunction can be caused by the fact that when filling and cleaning the TC, the PCR shaft is simply forgotten to be installed.

3. Black vertical stripes are visible in the image.

Possible causes and solutions:

The waste toner bin is overfilled due to a violation of the TC refill algorithm (see section “Refilling the TC with toner”).
- Longitudinal destruction of the SB coating. In this case, replace the SB.
- Violation of the properties or destruction of the SB cleaning scraper. The reason for this may be that various solid debris gets under the plastic insert. To eliminate the defect, it is enough to clear the scraper of debris.

4. The image shows white vertical unprinted stripes.

Possible causes and solutions:

The fill hopper is running low on toner. Shake the TC vigorously and check the print quality. If after this the print quality is restored, we can conclude that the toner is running out. Refill the TC with new toner.
- Damage to the integrity of the aluminum cylinder of the magnetic drum, as well as its scraper (see section “Checking and cleaning other elements of the TC”). If there are signs of such a malfunction, clean the indicated elements from toner and foreign objects, otherwise, replace these elements sequentially.
- Hidden areas of the coating appeared on the SB, in which a violation of its basic physical properties occurred. It is possible that due to this defect, repeating areas of the unprinted image are visible. Clean the SB with a 10% solution of ethyl alcohol in distilled water. If the defect has not been eliminated, replace the SB.

5. The image shows repeated horizontal stripes or spots

Possible causes and solutions:

Mechanical transverse destruction of the SB coating. In this case, replace the SB.
- Violation of the properties or destruction of the SB cleaning scraper. Often in this case, the cause may be the plastic insert due to various debris getting under it. To eliminate the defect, just clean the scraper.
- Hidden areas of the coating appeared on the SB, in which a violation of its basic physical properties occurred. Clean the SB with a 10% solution of ethyl alcohol in distilled water. If the defect has not been eliminated, replace the SB.

6. The image is sluggish, with weak saturation

Possible causes and solutions:

When refilling the TC, low-quality toner was used. The TC is disassembled, all the toner in the refill hopper is removed with a vacuum cleaner, and the TC is refilled with new, proven toner.
- Loss of SB sensitivity. Replace the SB with a new one.

7. Toner spills out of the TC, although the cracks are not visible

Possible causes and solutions:

The elements of the TC itself are faulty. Disassemble the cartridge and check the integrity of its elements.
- After the last refill (this applies to HP C3903A, HP 92274A, E16 and the like), when assembling the cartridge, all the latches, especially those inside it, were not secured. In this case, the TC halves are “pressed” more carefully until all the latches are fixed.

8. There is a dark background on the printout.

Possible causes and solutions:

Loss of contact between the metal pads on the TC body and the internal elements of the cartridge. To eliminate the defect, completely disassemble the TC, clean it and use an ohmmeter to check the integrity of the electrical circuits inside the cartridge (see section “Checking and cleaning other elements of the TC”).
- When refilling the TC, low-quality toner was used. The TC is disassembled and all the toner in the refill hopper is removed with a vacuum cleaner. Then the TC is refilled with new, proven toner.

Refilling and restoring laser cartridges, in these fast-paced days, is an issue that many residents of cities and villages decide.

This is primarily due to the fact that the printer is considered the main assistant for a modern person.
Each cartridge, of any brand, is refilled differently; if you have never refilled a laser cartridge, then you should contact the specialists of the Pechatnik Group of Companies.

Prices for refilling cartridges

Refilling laser cartridges - basic steps

Before you decide to refill, you should understand that the printer warranty will be void if refilling is detected.

In all printers, cartridges are disposable, and the manufacturer prohibits refilling a laser printer cartridge at home. But not every person can afford to constantly buy a new printing element. So a logical question arises: “ How to refill a laser cartridge?».

During the refueling process, you need to perform five steps.

Having studied them in detail, you will be able to bury the question for yourself - " How do I refill the cartridge myself?":

  1. Disassembly
  2. Cleaning – dust and scraps of paper are removed from parts that are in motion
  3. Cleaning the hopper from failed toner
  4. Adding new toner to the hopper
  5. Assembly is done carefully so as not to damage the shaft and housing.

This is the order in which it is performed refilling laser printer cartridges. By and large, considering the scheme of actions, we can conclude that refueling is not difficult at all. However, to perform them you need to have at least a little experience.

So what you need to refill laser printer cartridges?

Masters working in services improve their skills every day. Therefore, it will not be difficult for them to complete the work quickly and efficiently. But for refueling for the first time, it is recommended to have a detailed disassembly diagram on hand.

Using this scheme, refilling laser cartridges for Samsung, HP, Brother and Canon, will be completed without problems. By paying enough attention to studying the circuit, the percentage of possible breakdowns is significantly reduced. And having gained experience over time, you will be able to refuel in a matter of minutes without looking at the circuit.

Do-it-yourself refilling of a laser cartridge

The main element in the cartridge is the toner.

This is a dusty mixture, the main elements of which are:

  • graphite
  • different resins
  • iron powder

Due to this, refilling laser cartridges at home, must be carried out in strict compliance with the rules put forward for toner:

  • Toner should be stored in a closed container at medium temperature
  • refilling laser cartridges yourself produced under conditions that prevent water from entering the toner
  • the mixture should also not be overheated
  • try not to inhale toner dust and keep your eyes away from it

Refilling color laser cartridges differs from the refill scheme when using toner, so color printers will be discussed in another article.

How much does it cost to refill a laser cartridge?

The cost of returning the cartridge to serviceability will depend on several parameters. Eg, refilling laser cartridges St. Petersburg the service will cost from 800 rubles to 1800 rubles.

The price is formed from the following:

  • Do you call a technician to your home or bring the cartridge yourself to the service?
  • Do you have toner or ink available (in the case of a color printer)
  • depending on printer model and resource

Contacting the service, the question “ How to refill a cartridge for hp, canon, brother, Xerox, samsung"will disappear by itself.

You do not need to look for a detailed diagram, buy, store, and carefully add toner. Having entrusted the “heart” of your assistant to a professional, you no longer think about what you need to refill laser cartridges.

Do you have a question: “Where are printer cartridges refilled?”

Is your everyday assistant starting to act up? When printing, did a line appear in the middle of the sheet? This is the first signal when you need to think about the question: “ Where to refill the cartridge?».

To perform the procedure, a qualified specialist will need no more than 15 minutes. As a rule, all centers have all the necessary components. By contacting a specialized workshop, you do not need to look for the answer to the unfortunate question - how to refill the cartridge yourself?

A laser printer cartridge usually runs out at the most inopportune moment - you urgently need to print a document, and there is no money for a new cartridge (and new cartridges are very expensive, often half the cost of the printer). In this case, you should try refilling the cartridge. It will cost several times less, because you will only need to buy ink.
How to determine whether a laser printer needs to be refilled?

To determine if a laser toner cartridge needs refilling, look to see if a white vertical line appears on the paper while printing. If it is there, it means that the toner has run out and the cartridge really needs to be refilled. If you urgently need to print a few more sheets, you can use this technique - remove the cartridge from the printer and shake it thoroughly. Replace the cartridge. Print quality will improve slightly. This technique can be used several times, but remember that the cartridge needs to be refilled quickly.

Many laser cartridges have a chip installed that counts the amount of ink used. Even after refilling, it will show that the toner is empty and remind you of this all the time. If you can ignore this while working, then you don’t need to do anything. And if this bothers you, you need to reset the counter or replace the chip if resetting is not possible.
Toner selection

When purchasing toner, try to do it in specialized supplies stores. Buy exactly the toner that matches your laser cartridge. If you have a choice of toner of the same capacity, but from different manufacturers, purchase the one that is more expensive. This way you have more guarantees that it will be of high quality and the printing will be better.
Problems that may arise when refilling cartridges

The most common problem is that the toner is a black fine powder, which, with the slightest carelessness, ends up scattered throughout the work area. Therefore, be careful when refilling the laser printer. If this is your first time, cover the table with old newspapers and wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Take things slowly. Carefully disassemble and reassemble the laser printer cartridge. Its service life depends on this.

For refueling you will need:
- compatible toner;
- flat screwdriver;
- pointed forceps (tweezers).

1 Turn the cartridge with the handle facing you, unscrew the bolt on the right side and the cover from the cartridge. Do not touch the spring on the drum! Remove it with the lid.
2 Using a pair of needle-nose pliers, remove the springs from the compartment.
3 Slide the waste compartment to the left. Divide into two halves.
4 Lift the drum from the gear side. Scroll and remove it from the compartment.
5 Remove the primary charge shaft and clean it with VPZ cleaner.
6 Unscrew the two bolts and remove the squeegee.
7 Clear the waste toner compartment. Be careful not to damage the repair blade located next to the squeegee. If this blade is bent, the cartridge will leak. Check that the seals on the squeegee are clean.
8 Apply your preferred lubricant to a new or cleaned squeegee. Install the squeegee and screw it with two bolts.
9 Install the cleaned airfield. Apply a small amount of lubricant to the black side of the shaft. Just a little lubricant will be more than enough.
10 Apply some grease to the metal drum axle.
11 Install a new or cleaned drum bushing first.
12 Set the waste compartment aside.
13 On the right side of the compartment, unscrew the two bolts and the cover. These bolts have washers.
14 Remove the gears from the housing as shown. Leave the large gear in place.
15 Unscrew one bolt and the cover on the opposite side.
16 Remove the magnetic shaft. Be careful with the bushings! They are very fragile.
17 Unscrew the two bolts and remove the dosing blade.
18 Clean any remaining toner from the drawer. Check that the magnetic shaft and dosing blade seals are clean.
19 Pour 100 grams of P1006 toner into the compartment.
20 Once the seal is accessible, remove the seal plug from the port and install the seal. Pull the back out through the hole in the port. Install the plug.
21 Install the left side of the tire and tighten it with the bolt. Check that the small contact piece is seated correctly on the cover.
22 Install the dosing blade using two bolts.
23 Install the magnetic shaft with the black sleeve side first. Rotate the shaft until the ends snap into place.
24 Install the gears as shown.
25 Install the cover using two bolts.
26 Place the waste compartment in the toner compartment. Turn it so that the round hinged latches fit into the corresponding holes.
27 Reinstall the compartment springs.
28 Using the shutter spring, install the cover as shown in the photo. Lift the end of the spring to insert it into the compartment.
29 Lift the back of the drum valve to insert the valve. Screw it on with a bolt.
30 Replace the chip.