Embroidery of portraits. Free cross stitch program Cross stitch from a photo online program

To make a cross stitch pattern from a photograph, all you need to do is have a computer and install a special program. Sooner or later, lovers of cross stitch are faced with the question of how to make a cross stitch pattern from a photograph. At first glance, this may seem impossible, but it is not as difficult as it seems. In the computer age, you don’t need to sit with a pencil in your hands drawing an embroidery pattern.

There are some photographs that you want to not only look at, but turn them into a masterpiece. Cross-stitched favorite photographs are the dream of all embroiderers. Realizing this dream requires experience with programs that create circuits.

How to make cross stitch from a photograph can be described as follows:

  • First you need to select a photo from which the embroidery will be made;
  • Then download a special program for creating diagrams for free;
  • Next, upload the selected photo into the program;
  • Click on the appropriate button to create a diagram;
  • Wait for the diagram to download to your computer.

An excellent gift for newlyweds is embroidery made from a wedding photo.

When developing a diagram, you need to pay a lot of attention to faces, especially eyes. When looking at an embroidered picture, it should attract and attract you. Then everything depends on the skill of the needlewomen.

Creating a unique painting requires a lot of patience and effort. The finished embroidery result will delight you for a long time if the canvas is mounted in a frame.

Cross stitch from photographs: ways to realize your plans

Cross stitch from photographs is like drawing portraits, only instead of pencil and paints, you use threads and needles. Creating patterns, selecting photographs, processing with a program and the embroidery process itself are creative work. A picture-photo can be embroidered in any color. It can be black and white, three-color or have a full palette of colors.

There are several ways to create a pattern in order to embroider photos and turn them into originality:

  • Using specialized programs;
  • Using graph paper and colored pencils;
  • Using the graphic editor Photoshop.

The same should be done with the resulting diagram. It is necessary to estimate the number of colors that the program offers.

Many of them can be excluded, and, if possible, single crosses can be removed. Each of these methods will ideally translate an artistic idea into reality. Embroidery will bring great pleasure when portraits are made with soul. An embroidered portrait can be made as a gift for a wedding or anniversary, or you can simply present it as an original gift.

Original cross stitch with photographs: secrets of success

Photos can not only be stored in photo albums, flash drives and personal website pages. There is another very original way to preserve a memorable image - cross stitch with photographs. Photos must be selected without strong glare, preferably taken in sunny, shaded or cloudy weather. If the required quality of the photograph simply is not available, then you will have to carefully process the existing one.

Embroidered canvas has many advantages over regular photographs:

  • An embroidered photograph is not just an image, it is an artistic exhibition;
  • The canvas with an embroidered photograph is not afraid of getting wet;
  • Embroidered photographs cannot be formatted or erased;
  • You can always make an original copy.

Among the advantages of embroidering from a photograph, it should be noted that you can very quickly make a pattern again if something goes wrong

Embroidered and framed photographs will easily decorate any interior. The paintings will turn out unique, unique and very memorable. Cross stitching is more than a hobby; it combines the skills of using a sewing needle with artistic drawing skills.

Realistic cross stitch: make a pattern from a photo

For your first experience of cross stitch from a photograph, you need to study the entire process in detail. It is practically no different from embroidering other images not related to photography. The cross stitch pattern itself from the photo is also no different from any other pattern. Although this is not just a diagram, it should convey all the facial features and facial expressions. The face should be free of distortion and have the most natural tone possible.

However, it is still worth studying the steps:

  • It is necessary to prepare the material on which the photograph will be embroidered, it is called canvas;
  • Then choose the best program for creating cross stitch patterns;
  • Process the photograph in the program and, if necessary, correct the image;
  • Next, select the area that will be embroidered;
  • Pick up threads;
  • Create a diagram;
  • And you can start embroidering.

The program in which a diagram is made from a photograph allows you to make various changes, thanks to which the embroidery will look perfect

These are, perhaps, the most basic stages of preparation for cross stitch from a photo. The resulting pattern can be printed on a color printer, or you can embroider directly from the monitor. It is necessary to pay attention to the material, which is the basis for embroidery. The canvas serves as a basis for the image, just like paper for an artist.

Canvas is a soft, mesh-woven fabric. This type of fabric is used not only for embroidery; it is also used to make bags for storing various herbs.

Learning how to make a cross stitch pattern from a photograph (video)

Canvas for embroidery can be made not only of fabric weave, but also as a plastic mesh base. There is another type of canvas - water-soluble, it is used for applying embroidery to fabric. After completing the embroidery, just soak the fabric in water and it will dissolve.

In detail: how to make a pattern for cross stitch from a photograph (photo examples)

Often, special magazines and books containing embroidery patterns offer a small selection of images; they are not suitable for all users. If you need to create your own diagram by transforming a certain picture, we recommend using the programs we have selected in this article. Let's look at each representative in detail.

The workflow in Pattern Maker has been implemented in such a way that even an inexperienced user can immediately begin creating his own electronic embroidery pattern. This process begins with setting up the canvas; there are several options here that help you select the appropriate colors and grid sizes. In addition, there is detailed customization of the color palette used in the project and the creation of inscriptions.

Additional actions are carried out in the editor. Here the user can make changes to the finished diagram using several tools. There are different types of knots, stitches and even beads. Their parameters are changed in specially designated windows, where a small number of different options are located. Pattern Maker is not currently supported by developers, which is noticeable due to the rather outdated version of the program.

Stitch Art Easy

The name of the next representative speaks for itself. Stitch Art Easy allows you to quickly and easily transform the required image into an embroidery pattern and immediately send the finished project to print. The choice of functions and settings is not particularly large, but a fairly convenient and well-implemented editor is available, where the appearance of the diagram changes and certain edits and adjustments are made.

Among the additional features, I would like to note a small table in which the material consumption for a specific project is calculated. Here you can set the size of the skein and its cost. The program itself calculates expenses and expenses for one scheme. If you need to configure the threads, then refer to the corresponding menu, there are several useful configuration tools there.


EmbroBox is designed as a kind of wizard for creating embroidery patterns. The main process of working on a project is focused on specifying certain information and setting settings in the appropriate lines. The program offers users many options for sizing canvas, threads and cross stitch. There is a small built-in editor, and the program itself is perfectly optimized.

One scheme only supports a certain set of colors; each such software has an individual limit, most often this is a palette of 32, 64 or 256 colors. EmbroBox has a built-in special menu in which the user manually sets and edits the colors used. This will especially help in those schemes where completely different shades are used in the images.

STOIK Stitch Creator

The last representative on our list is a simple tool for converting an embroidery pattern from a photo. STOIK Stitch Creator provides users with a core set of tools and features that can come in handy while working on a project. The program is distributed for a fee, but a trial version is available for download on the official website for free.

In this article, we examined several representatives of software designed exclusively for creating embroidery patterns from the necessary images. It is difficult to single out one ideal program; they are all good in their own way, but also have certain disadvantages. In any case, if the software is distributed on a paid basis, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its demo version before purchasing.

In ancient times, embroidery of portraits was available only to aristocrats, but in the 21st century everyone can treat themselves to such an exquisite gift. A neat embroidered portrait is an unusual and memorable gift and a wonderful interior decoration. Embroidery of portraits from photos is especially in demand as a gift for newlyweds or a birthday present.

We recommend machine embroidery because it creates a neat and beautiful image. Machine embroidery of portraits looks more realistic than hand-made cross stitch; the image is photographically accurate. Plus, our embroidery does not fade or fade over time.

Since 2007, we have been embroidering portraits both for ourselves and as gifts. Not only photographically accurate embroidered portraits are popular, but also more original paintings. For example, portraits in the old style or stylizations of one or another type of art, from impressionism to cubism. For everyone we create the very embroidery that he was looking for. Contact us, we are happy to embroider for you!

Embroidery portrait, photo

Embroidered portrait, photo for fans of the TV series Breaking Bad. Photo

Embroidery of a portrait to order using the photo stitch technique

Minimum order - 1 portrait. Wholesale embroidery of paintings to order is possible. Our production is located in Moscow, but we cooperate with any regions and countries remotely. The sketch for an embroidered portrait can be based on any photograph or drawing.

We can embroider a portrait on a piece of material so that you can then insert it into a frame, or we can embroider it on clothes and products. Portraits on T-shirts, T-shirts, and sweatshirts are especially in demand. We can embroider on your products or purchase clothes for application from different price categories.

To make machine embroidery of portraits even more beautiful, we offer additional services: raised 3D embroidery, sequin embroidery, rhinestone decoration. We also make portraits in the form of patches, embroidered magnets, keychains, and badges. It is possible to embroider a portrait from a photograph.

Price for a portrait with embroidery

The price of an embroidered portrait is calculated individually and depends on the size of the work and the degree of elaboration of small details. To calculate the exact cost of an embroidered portrait, please send a sketch by email, indicate the size, number of copies and your wishes. During business hours we will respond within 15 minutes.

We embroider portraits to order with a cost starting from 2000 rubles. A finely detailed portrait is more expensive; if you need to save money, we recommend ordering contour embroidery. It is also possible to machine cross-stitch portraits from photographs: portraits, paintings, patterns.

design text any font
from 500r
simple logo
from 1000r
medium logo
from 2000r
complex logo
from 3000r
up to 10 cm
from 1000r
up to 20 cm
from 1500r
up to 30 cm
from 2000r
additional services



Great Dane

Select the desired item in each line and sum up the indicated prices, so you will get the cost of the retail order.

Design. This is your image translated into a format that the embroidery machine can understand. The price and terms depend on the number of small details worked out. The price of design based on complex pictures and photographs is calculated individually. The design is paid for once; if you re-embroider, you do not need to pay for the design. If there are several different images on a product, each new design will be charged separately.

Embroidery. Retail prices for ordering embroidery from 1 piece are indicated.

Your sketch Design Embroidery Embroidered portrait

Possibilities for embroidering portraits

Products and material. We usually embroider portraits on a piece of nylon, which is a strong and durable material. All you have to do is frame the finished portrait. However, if you wish, you can embroider portraits on any items of clothing and textiles. Portrait embroidery on T-shirts and T-shirts, sweatshirts and robes, towels and pillows is especially in demand. As for materials, we work with any fabrics, from silk and organza to jeans and terry. We also do custom embroidery on leather and knitted fabric.

Application size. The maximum size of a single embroidery is 120x64 cm, wholesale - 36x45 cm. For an additional fee, we do joining, and then the embroidery reaches a length of 2 m. The minimum size depends on the elaboration of small details and the hairiness of the material.

Colors and special threads. Up to 12 colors are used in one image, we suggest looking at the thread catalog. Using more colors will greatly complicate the embroidery technology, but we can do this for an additional fee. It is possible to produce photographic embroidery. We also offer metallized, glow-in-the-dark, ultraviolet-glowing and melange threads.

Special offers. An outline portrait made using 3D embroidery looks interesting and stylish. A striking addition to the portrait will be the decor with rhinestones; embroidery of female portraits is especially good with such an addition. An unusual technique is embroidering the outline of a portrait with sequins.

Embroidery of a portrait according to your sketch

To make embroidery from a photo, you need to create a design for machine embroidery in a special program. Our specialist designer does this. He manually writes the settings for each stitch. Our designers are the best craftsmen in Moscow and Russia; they do an excellent job of making embroidery photographically accurate.

Embroidery of portraits to order is sometimes done using stylizations. Someone wants an antique portrait, in sepia tones. Some people want to leave only the outlines. Some people love works of art in the impressionist style. All this is possible with portrait embroidery!

Sometimes people are asked to embroider in satin stitch a portrait of their favorite pet. Cats in your pocket are especially popular. A custom embroidered pet portrait will make a great gift!

Embroidered portraits, photos

Large embroidered portraits are a wonderful gift for a wedding anniversary or anniversary. Sometimes the head of a large department wants to order an embroidered portrait, or they order a portrait of the head of state. In addition, custom portrait embroidery helps to immortalize your favorite actors and singers; in such cases, they prefer to decorate clothes.

Based on the photograph, it is a wonderful gift for loved ones or acquaintances. It can be used as a stylish interior decoration. It seems to beginners that coping with a slave will be very difficult, although, in fact, the task is doable provided that there is high-quality training. The main role here is played by the correctness of drawing up a work plan based on photographs.

Previously, it was necessary to transform a standard photo “by eye” into the pattern necessary for embroidery. Today, specialized software (software) copes with this task. We are talking about a program that you can download for free, Pattern Maker. In addition to its small size and the ability to be installed on computers with any operating system (OS), the program has become widespread due to its ability to perform more functions.

In order for future embroidery to be rich in color and realistic, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Pre-process the photo of interest in the editor. The recommendation is mandatory. Pattern Maker is notable for its ability to increase brightness and saturation levels. That is why you need to slightly reduce all the indicators in advance so that when translated into an embroidery pattern, the colors remain natural;
  2. Beginners are advised to do a “test run”;
  3. If a person is embroidering a family portrait, then all the faces in the photograph used should be close to each other;
  4. In large photographs, it is necessary to highlight the area that will become the main area for embroidery. In the case of a portrait, the reference point is the eyes;
  5. Set the desired size of the diagram;
  6. Select the desired number of colors and brand of thread.

How to make a cross stitch pattern from a photograph: tips for beginners

Common mistakes occur even among experienced needlewomen, so additional checking will not allow the work to turn into something terrible. Opens a list of incorrectly set brightness levels. It is not always possible to determine from the first time which part of the photograph will be darker or lighter than the rest of the canvas. This is especially true for photos taken with pocket point-and-shoot cameras.

Unnaturally dark teeth, it is impossible to distinguish the natural color of the eyes - only a small part of the problems that arise. If the quality of the initial image leaves more questions than answers, it is recommended to do the following. Open the image in a photo editor and select the “information” tab. Regardless of the type of editor used, a person will have the opportunity to find out the brightness level of all points in the photo.

If in at least one part of the image there is a significant difference in the brightness level, then the “darken” or “brighten” tool will help correct the situation.

In addition, some other types of common errors may occur in your work:

  • Ugly collected hair;
  • Unnatural skin color;
  • Wrong background chosen;
  • Dark spots on the skin caused by improper or uneven lighting;
  • Unnaturally dark lips;
  • Light highlights on the face or forehead.

Even with such shortcomings, you can create a beautiful cross stitch pattern. The main thing is to spend a little time correcting identified deficiencies in the photo editor. Once everything is ready, the image is placed into the Pattern Maker program for subsequent transformation.

You may also be interested in patterns for embroidering nature and landscapes. You will find examples of schemes in our material: .

How to cross-stitch a photograph: everything complicated is simple

It is necessary for people without enough experience to give up a large amount of chalk and plain elements, for example, herbs. It is better to cross-stitch simple compositions consisting of a portrait part. The creation process always begins with the middle part of the composition. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, creating embroidery in this case does not involve numerous errors.

Experience shows that it is always easier in all respects to build on the most significant details. In practice, this means that embroidering the eyes and nose creates the basis for the future composition.

Besides this, there are some more important tips:

  1. Embroidered pets will bring any life to life. However, they should not occupy most of the image.
  2. Bags, hats and other small ones make the photo more lively, despite this, it is necessary to position them correctly. It would be optimal to do this in the area of ​​the hands.
  3. It is better to compose people's faces in such a way that they go down on both sides. For example, if we are talking about a portrait that depicts 3 people, then the two outermost ones are placed on a level slightly lower.
  4. It is not recommended to get carried away with a large number of small objects. Firstly, they are difficult to embroider. Secondly, it can be difficult to choose the right colors.
  5. The correct arrangement of objects on the material will help create a high-quality composition. Following the rules of perspective, smaller objects are always placed in the background.

Recommendations for choosing a photo for embroidering a portrait (video)

Embroidery from a photograph is a fascinating and at the same time complex process. Before starting work, you need to properly process the image and only after that you can proceed to creating a diagram. For beginners, it is recommended that you do a few dry runs in the Pattern Maker software. In this case, you will be able to avoid many color flaws and the need to redo everything.

More detailed instructions and patterns for cross stitch in our next material:.

Cross stitch paintings from photographs (photo)

If you want to independently develop a cross stitch pattern, for example, from a photograph or from a picture that has sunk into your soul, then you can do this using special programs for cross stitch.

The times when diagrams were posted on the Internet in the form of huge scanned, hard-to-read files are gone. Today, such diagrams can be viewed and created quite simply using programs that can easily be found on the Internet. Below is a brief overview of the most convenient of them.

2. Conversion table for floss threads

Website website has nothing to do with the development of the Cross program.
For questions related to the operation of the program, please contact its developers.

Pattern Maker. Viewing XSD Files

One of the best programs available to a wide range of embroidery lovers is Pattern Maker for Cross stitch. A large set of tools used for importing images and processing diagrams make the program truly functional at all stages of design development. Among others, we should mention the Foreground tool, which allows you to select priority foreground colors, as well as the ability to highlight crosses of the selected color, which allows you to effectively deal with single crosses.

The program has a good color conversion algorithm. A machine module can be integrated into the program. The widespread use of the program was facilitated by the fact that a way was found to extend the trial period. For our users, a good incentive to master the program was its Russification, as well as the availability of Russian-language literature on working in the program. All of the above allows us to consider Pattern Maker the best solution for those who develop their own patterns. Well, everyone who simply uses ready-made diagrams needs to have this program or an appropriate viewer on their computer in order to be able to view and print diagrams in this software format.

The first versions of the program created files with the PAT extension. In the new, fourth version, the files have the XSD extension. Currently version 4.06 is available on the developer's website. In addition to the four-day trial version, you can also download a free XSD file viewer there.


CrossStitchPro is a wonderful program in many ways. First of all, it has the best color conversion algorithm among the programs under consideration. There are features that other programs have never dreamed of:

  • The ability to change the saturation and brightness of colors not only in the original image, but in a ready-made or almost finished scheme!
  • Mechanism for automatically destroying single crosses! True, it must be used carefully, but nevertheless.
  • Machine module.
  • Highlights the selected color.

Among the minor shortcomings, the slightly cumbersome interface should be noted, in particular, inconvenient printing. And the biggest drawback of the program is its low prevalence due to its high cost and lack of a trial period.