3) download. Binder from Kvass (2.3) download Normal binder for SAMP 0.3 7

QuickBinder is a utility for the popular game SA-MP. It provides the opportunity to assign the actions you need to certain keys, which will greatly facilitate the gaming process and make it more enjoyable. You often need to enter certain commands, such as /opendoor, /exit, /bussineswithdraw, /enter, etc. QuickBinder will make "your life" easier.

Today, servers operating in Role Play mode have become extremely popular. It is on such servers that you have to quickly enter a huge number of commands and often repeat certain phrases. For example, as a police officer, during a pursuit, you need to shout something like “Stop immediately and pull to the side of the road.” Typing this command will take a lot of time, but this is where QuickBinder 1.7 (why 1.7? It's just the most popular version at the moment) can help a lot.

More details about the functions:

Automatic start of the game, i.e. When you open QuickBinder, SA-MP will automatically open;
- upon completion of the game, the utility closes automatically and will not cause inconvenience in other games or applications;
- complete hiding of the program window;
- ability to import and export profiles.

Binder for SAMP

Naturally, you already realized that in fact, Quick Binder is intended not only for SAMP, but also for other games and applications. I know for sure that it is still used quite often in GTA: Criminal Russia (aka CRMP), as well as in many MMO games (although in some cases it is prohibited). There are no specific “assemblies” for CRPM or SAMP, because in fact, you must independently put on the hotkeys what you need. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this.

Universal binder 2.3 by Kvass

Time passes and some improved, and most importantly, very universal binder assembly for SA-MP and CRMP has appeared on the network. By downloading this version, you can create and import an unlimited number of profiles. Now binds are not limited to 1 line, which means that when you press 1 button, you can perform many actions. There is also a built-in bind for searching a string in the chat and 30 binds with dialogues. I won’t describe everything here; those interested can simply download and read the FAQ.

How to set up QuickBinder?

Binder is actually quite easy to set up. When you launch the program, you see a simple interface that contains text fields and tabs. In the “Key” column you enter a key that is convenient for you, and in the adjacent field a command or text message. I also want to pay attention to the “Enter” column; if there is a check mark in this column, the specified action will occur only if the “Enter” key is pressed after it. After you have entered the combination you need, click “Save”. After this, the binder will restart and you can enter the game. At the bottom left there is a switch for already saved profiles, there could be a profile of a medic, a taxi driver, a medic or something else, there are also settings in which you can specify the path to the game, which will start immediately after the binder starts. All this and other information is in the video below:

How to use a binder in SAMP?

If after the previous manual you still have difficulties using the binder for CRMP and SA-MP, I will attach step-by-step instructions.
1. Download QuickBinder from our website (the links above and below are 1 official).
2. Unpack the archive and install it.
3. Launch the program and set up an individual profile or just hotkeys (by default it seems to be the taxi driver profile).
4. Go to the settings and specify the path to the game and autostart (if desired).
5. Click the save button.
6. After the binder restarts, without closing it, go into the game.
7. Voila! We enjoy a much more comfortable game without typing frequently required commands and sentences 100 times.

And finally, 1 video about using QuickBinder (albeit the old version 0.3x)

Advantages and disadvantages:

Fully Russian-speaking
+ facilitates the operation of many keyboard shortcuts
+ easy to set up
- none

QuickBinder - what is this program?
The small application Quick Binder is a unique addition to the GTA game, in particular to SAMP (San Andreas - Multiplayer). Essentially, this is a special console designed as an alternative to AutoHotKey. Allows you to significantly reduce the time for entering certain, often repeated, commands or phrases when playing the game as part of a group on servers that operate in RolePlay mode.

You can download QuickBinder completely free of charge. Currently version 1.7 is available. Installation should not raise any questions, since it is a completely standard procedure.

How to set up Binder?

Once the installation is complete, it’s too early to rejoice. In order for Binder to work in GTA, and with automatic calling, the program must first be configured.

If during the installation process an icon was created on the “Desktop”, open the application by double-clicking and click the “Settings” button, after which you will need to specify the path to SAMP. If the game file is not detected automatically, you should use the browse button, and then activate the automatic launch and deactivation lines.

Using the Command Assignment Window.

By default, there are already several ready-made templates, but in all ten tabs you can enter exactly what the player deems necessary. To do this, you can use both commands used in the game itself and your own phrases. Naturally, you can change the assignment of keys or their combinations.

To the right of the command description there is a field in which checking a box means whether you need to confirm execution by pressing the enter key.

Binder from Kvass

As it turns out, it is better to download Binder from Kvass (version no lower than 2.3), since the usual Quickbinder for SAMP is a one-line one, and this modification supports assigning two or more actions to one key or a combination of keys.

The setup is fundamentally no different, except that instead of simply entering a phrase or command, you need to click the “Settings” button, having previously specified the number of lines (assignments), and after entering them, set the delay time. Additionally, you can even use the “Songs” section.

Encoding problems
If in the game itself text written in Russian is displayed as a set of characters, this situation can be corrected by checking the box after the text (this is not necessary for English). You can also go to the game’s custom files folder in your own documents, find the sa-mp file in the SAMP directory and set the “Read Only” attribute for it in the properties.

Samp opens up a new world of GTA San Andreas for players with many additional features. You will be able to lead a full virtual life in a criminal town. To enjoy the gameplay and not be distracted by control features (in particular, by entering repetitive commands), AirKite developed the QuickBinder utility. The main purpose of the program is to assign specific actions to keys. Often during the game the user uses commands such as /opendoor, /enter, /exit and others. By downloading and installing QuickBinder, you can forget about letter-by-letter input, which sometimes takes away precious time (especially when you are chasing a criminal or, conversely, you are driving away from the police).

The utility supports more than a hundred profiles, so the user can, without interrupting the gameplay, become, for example, not a taxi driver, but a policeman. The program has a Russian-language interface and is absolutely free to download.

Key Features and Functions

  • saves time spent on entering game commands;
  • is linked to samp (when QuickBinder is launched, the mod is loaded automatically; when samp is closed, the utility also stops working);
  • works correctly on all operating systems of the Windows family (with the exception of 8);
  • allows you to enjoy the gameplay without worrying about technical details.

On this page you can download Binder from Kvass. This is an indispensable utility for SAMP players, which can significantly simplify routine processes.

Come up with convenient key combinations on your keyboard and assign specific actions to each of them. As a result, in the game they will be executed by clicking, and you will not need to remember the command, go to the console and enter it. Everything will now happen much faster and more conveniently.

It is possible to create up to hundreds of different profiles and quickly switch between them. Each of them allows up to 100 combinations. This more than covers all the needs of even the most demanding gamers.

The binder has a convenient salary calculation function. Enter the data, coefficients, and she will perform all the calculations herself, which will greatly simplify life. There is similar functionality for experience (XP). Manage playing songs by changing the tracklist and conditions for its playback.

You can set up autorun along with Windows, which will allow you to not worry and use the application right away. You will receive updates automatically.

Binder from Kvass video on setup and use

Screenshots of Binder from Kvass


Release date: 2018
Developer: Kvass
Platform: PC
Version: 2.3
Language: Russian (RUS)
Medicine: not required
Volume: 345 Kb

How to use a binder

  1. Unpack the archive to any folder on your computer
  2. Run exe file
  3. Set the necessary settings
  4. Launch the game and use the hot buttons.

Are you all tired of the boring and monotonous binder from KVAS or other small binders? Want to do more than just bind the /me line? ScriptPatrol is a breakthrough in the field of binders and this is what you need!

What can he do, you ask? - I’ll answer you: with this binder you can create and edit your own scripted binds using a convenient interface, without delving into the AHK code. Don’t rush to order a script for money that will automatically insert ID, nickname, car, etc. player into the line, because you can do it for free using ScriptPatrol. And this is a small part of everything he can do! Read more in this topic.

Before asking a question or describing a problem, make sure that this is not in the FAQ of the topic.

All download links are at the end of the topic.

The author of this wonderful binder is Steven Pascual


>> Dynamic variables. Determines all the necessary information about the player you have targeted, and then uses this information in your binds.
>> The ability to make your own binds, using variables: target ID, target car, first name, last name of the target, area, partners, etc., etc.! You can learn more about variables by clicking on the Question Mark icon in the bind editing window.
>> Ability to activate binds using a command, as well as by text in chat (if the required text is displayed in the chat)- *Example*
>> Useful features from the developer:

> Tags to the walkie-talkie
> Auto-play/Semi-auto-play of all weapons with one button (with the ability to edit).

> Megaphone, please stop on foot, also with one button.
> Cheat sheet for patrol codes.
> Cheat sheet (search) for AK *(You can search both by AK item and by description)

> Selecting an ID by entering the ID itself as a cheat code.
> ID selection via player targeting.
> Ability to take an auto screenshot on a selected key.
> Auto-report (only for Diamond RP)

>> Binder script commands:

> /ss [folder*] [file] - moves the (last) screenshot to the specified folder.
> /unit [text*] - setting the $unit text variable.
> /scriptpatrol [text*] - feedback from the developer. (important! Use Enter when confirming sending a review, not the mouse!)
> /remind [sec*] (@)[text*] - setting a reminder that will appear in the chat (local) after [sec].@(dog) before the reminder text (without a space) will display it in the chatbox (F6), for example commands or separate text.

*Parameters with an asterisk are required.

>> Experiment and get creative with the binder, because you can create entire algorithms with it!

Instructions for selecting a target (ID):

First way

    Press the target selection key combination. (Default Alt + Num +)

    Enter the ID of the criminal or player you want to record. Enter ID not in chat, but as a cheat code in a single game, not on the Num keyboard, but on numbers above QWERTY. (When you enter ID "a, you can safely run, fly, drive, drive, the script will only respond to Numbers and if you made a mistake in writing ID"a, just start typing it again.)

    Press Enter/NumEnter to confirm your entry and select a target.

Second way

  1. Aim at the player you want using RMB and press the target selection key while aiming. (Default (RMB) +E)

Quick target selection (useful in pursuit):

    When you press the key combination to select a target, you will be offered the nearest player in the car (not a police officer). If you press Enter/NumEnter without entering the Id, he will become the target.

>> Selecting a target is necessary for some variables to work: $_id, $_name, $_surname, $_car, etc.
>> You can see more details by clicking on the tray icon and opening “Help for use”.



>> Make a separate folder for the binder and add it to the exceptions of your antivirus to avoid problems
>> Binder will not work with the Samp Addon anti-cheat; it will also have to be disabled.
>> You must have a SAMP version client. On version R2 possible paint

Spoiler: FAQ

> [Q] How to adapt the AK cheat sheet to your server?:
> [A]After launching the program for the first time, a text document articles.txt will appear, which contains the entire AK. Before you stupidly copy and paste, read how to do it correctly, because after the description of point AK you need to put an exclamation point! and write the amount of the fine.
Links to download the finished articles.txt for your server are below (in the form of a plus icon).
>[Example] "AK 4.6. Begging.! Fine $1000 and put on the wanted list under Article 3.1 of the Criminal Code." [It will look *like this*]

> [Q] How to adapt patrol codes for your server?:
> [A]After launching the program for the first time, a text document code.txt will appear, containing all the codes. Before you stupidly copy and paste, read how to do it correctly, because after the name of the Code you need to put a vertical slash | and write a description of the code.
Links to download the finished code.txt for your server are below (in the form of a plus icon).
>[Example] "10-57 VICTOR.|Vehicle pursuit." [It will look like this*]

> [Q] How to change the color of codes and descriptions of AK?:
> [A]You can use any HTML colors for decoration. You can look at them on this site and to use them, you need to put the code in front of the desired text and highlight this code with curly braces ( ).

> [Q] The script does not run:
> [A]
The script does not run in a separate window, but in trey

>[Q] I am a Windows XP user and my binder does not start/works poorly/black bars:
>[A] Binder is not compatible with Windows XP, upgrade to a newer Windows.

> [Q] How to open the binder or view the settings?:
> [A] To change the keys and configure it, as well as see help in using it, you need to right-click on the icon in the tray and a dialog box will open. Double-clicking the Left Mouse Button on the tray icon will open a window for editing binds and setting them up.

> [Q] Bind keys don't change/can't save binds/binds don't work:
> [A] Change the layout to English and then change the keys, or even better, make the English layout the main one on the computer.

> [Q] What does this mean and how can I change the way I send a bind to the chat?:
> [A]Enter - will send a line to the chatbox and press Enter.
ESC - will send a line to the chatbox and close it without sending the bind to the server.
Local - will send the line to the local chat (which is visible only to you).
Without Enter - will send the line to the chatbox, but will not press Enter.

> [Q] I'm an Absolute RP player and my binder is too buggy, what should I do?:
> [A] Samp Addon anti-cheat policy: “Everything that uses the game’s memory is cheats,” so AHK will work very, very poorly on it.

> [Q] I can't figure out how to use reminder /remind:
> [A] To make a reminder, you need to enter /remind [*number of seconds] [@][*what to remind you about], where *(asterisk) is a required parameter. The @ function in front of the text means that the text/command will go to the chatbox and press Enter. The absence of the @ function in front of the text means that the text will be sent to local chat. Below are two examples.

>> [Example]/remind 600 @/doklad. Let's look at it in order: /remind - command; 600 - after so many seconds a reminder will occur (10 min); @ - this sign means that the reminder text will be sent to the chatbox and press Enter, sending the text/command to the server; /doklad - a pre-set bind for the report (there is none by default), which will be activated by the command;
> [Result] After 600 seconds (10 min), an automatic bind will occur, which is activated using the /doklad command, which will contain a report, for example about a patrol.

>> [Example]/remind 600 Make a patrol report. /remind - command; 600 - after so many seconds a reminder will occur (10 min); The absence of @ means that the reminder text will be sent to you in a local chat, which only you can see; Make a patrol report - reminder text.
> [Result] After 600 seconds (10 min) your reminder text will be displayed in the chat: “Make a patrol report”

> [Q] Ready-made code.txt&articles.txt for my server are outdated and not suitable:
> [A] Write to group