How to make multiple audio tracks in an AVI file. How to add an external audio track to a movie? Sound tracks separately

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Many films can be watched with different dubbing, changing it through the player menu, but the required audio track is not always built into the video file. To add an audio track to KMPlayer, follow the instructions.

Step 1

Start playing the movie for which you want to connect an external audio track.

Step 2

Right-click to open the menu by clicking in the center of the video player playback window. The film can be paused for now. In the menu, select " Open» - « Load external audio track...».

The new audio track must be downloaded in advance and saved anywhere on your computer (preferably in the same folder as the movie, so as not to lose it later). In the window that opens, select it and click “ Open».

*audio tracks are usually in ".ac3" format.

Step 3

This completes the addition, all that remains is to select a new voice acting. To change the audio track in KMPlayer, select “ Audio» - « Track selection", or press the key combination " CTRL + X».

Many torrent trackers post films with several audio tracks, for example, dubbed Russian translation and original voice acting. Alternative translations are also often posted as separate files. Modern software players can easily load an audio track from external files, but personally I want everything to be in one file. Of course, full dubbing is very good, but sometimes you want to remember the times of video salons and watch some old action movie in Volodarsky’s nasal translation or the correct translation of Goblin. Now I will teach you how to easily assemble a movie and all the audio tracks in the right order into one file.

To work, we will need the original video file, separate audio tracks and a free program VirtualDubMod latest version. You can download the distribution kit or take the Russified one at the bottom of the article. I will work with the Russified version.

So, launch VirtualDubMod and drag the video file into its window. The "File" menu - "Open video file..." and the Ctrl+O hotkey combination have not been canceled either, so it’s more convenient for anyone.

Select the "Streams" menu

In the "Streams" menu, select "Streams". The accuracy of the translation, of course, remains up to the translator; personally, I would translate it as “Audio” - “Tracks”.

The window that opens will list all the audio tracks that are in the video file. In our case, there is only one. They can be saved, deleted, or reordered. So, my multimedia player plays only the first track in AVI files, so sometimes I have to change the Russian translation and the original voice acting.

But we need to add new audio tracks, for this we will use the “Add” button. Select all the audio files one by one and arrange them in the order you need. If you want to remove unnecessary tracks, use the "Disable" (for existing) or "Delete" (for newly added) buttons. Pay attention to the duration of the tracks, it must match the duration of the main video stream, the difference can be a maximum of milliseconds. Save the changes with the "OK" button.

From the Video menu, select Direct Streaming Copy. This means that when recording the resulting file, the original video stream will not be processed in any way and will be copied as is without changes.

Now you can save the new file. In the "File" menu - "Save as..." or by pressing the F7 button, open the file saving window, select the name of the AVI file. In a couple of minutes or a little more, depending on the power of your computer, you will receive a video file with several audio tracks.

Many video files on the Internet are distributed with additional audio tracks that allow you to watch the desired film in different languages. These audio tracks are usually in AC3 format and can be connected using standard functions of some video playing programs.


  • One of the most popular players is VLC. It allows you to attach multiple audio tracks to one movie file and subsequently switch between them. If this program is not installed on your system, download it via the Internet from the developer’s official website and install it following the installer’s instructions.
  • After completing the unpacking of the files, launch the program via a shortcut on your desktop. Go to the “Media” tab of the top panel, where select the “Open file with parameters” section.
  • In the application window that appears, you will first need to specify the path to the movie file in the “Select file” section. Click the "Add" button on the right side of the window and specify the path to the video into which you want to insert an audio track. After completing the operation, check the box at the bottom of the window opposite the “Show additional options” section.
  • In the menu that appears, check the “Play another media file in parallel” checkbox. In the “Other file” line, click “Browse” and specify the path to the individual audio track in the new “Select file” field. Then click "Select".
  • After specifying the settings, click “Play” and wait for the movie to start playing. In the playback area, right-click. In the “Audio Track” context menu, select “Track 2” with the left mouse button. You can also use the top panel “Audio” - “Audio Track” of the program.
  • Some video players automatically add the desired track files. In addition to VLC, you can use Media Player Classic or KM Player. In order for it to automatically display the necessary audio parameters, place your audio track in the same directory as the file, which should have a common beginning of the name with the movie. For example, if the movie file is named “Kino.avi”, then the audio track may be called “Kino dubbing.ac3” or “Kino ENG.ac3”.
  • The dubbing process involves extracting an existing audio track from a video clip, then removing it and replacing it with your own. This can be done in various ways. Some methods are used to replace background music or sounds to add new sounds. Many YouTube videos use dubbing to add a new voice track to an existing video sequence, such as commercials. Some musicians use re-recording differently; they replace poor-quality live sound with better quality or a different version of the sound.

    The dubbing process is fairly easy in iMovie for MacOS, but can get more complicated depending on how much quality work you need to do.

    Removing and replacing audio in iMovie

    First you need to remove the old audio track in the video clip. To do this, you need to create a project and drag your video clip into it, which already includes an audio track. In the iMovie app on your Mac, create a new project by clicking the + icon in the top right corner. After that, in your Project Library, find the folder containing the video you want to use or search your Media Library. Find the video clip, then drag it into the iMovie timeline tab.

    Now select this clip, and then from the menu bar, select the "Edit" command. Click on "Detach Audio" from this menu. (Alternatively, you can simply right-click on the clip and select this command there, as in the screenshot.) Note that iMovie has split this clip into two independent files: audio and video, so you can freely edit and manipulate them separately.

    After this, you can very simply delete the original audio track and drag your own there. Click on the audio track in iMovie and then Delete on your keyboard. You can then use the iMovie app's Audio Library to drag and drop a new audio file into it, or import your own file from the Finder.

    Drag the new audio file into the bottom pane below the video clip and make sure it's aligned properly to avoid any pauses. Play the entire segment in iMovie and you now have a new video segment with a new audio track.

    Combination of newaudiotracks with the previous audio trackin iMovie

    This tactic is used for a variety of needs. Combining a new audio track with a previous one is not just a matter of dragging and dropping a new audio track. Correctly combining two audio files will help ensure that all audio tracks sound correctly and maintain the unity and continuity of the sound.

    For example, you recorded a video clip of yourself singing a song. Overall everything sounds good, except for a small fragment. So you recorded another take, in which you corrected all the mistakes that occurred in the first take. Using the replacement process, you insert into a video clip only that part of the audio track that exactly matches the poor quality fragment, and now the entire audio track sounds great. Thus, you have corrected all your mistakes in the sound design of the video clip.

    The alignment process requires specific, proper alignment of both audio tracks plus proper alignment with the video footage so that your mouth movements line up correctly with the audio track.

    As in the previous method, first drag your video clip into a new project, and then right-click on the timeline to select the audio track.

    Note the two parallel audio tracks for one video.

    Now, instead of deleting the audio track, you need to save it. Then you need to find either another video clip with audio or just a separate audio file that you need to use in the first video. Most likely, both tracks will be the same in duration, but with slight variations in sound design. If you drag a full video clip onto the timeline, you must first select the audio track in it, and then delete the video component. If it's just audio, all you have to do is drag the audio file onto the timeline.

    Place the new audio track under the old audio track. Pay attention to the similarity of sound wave vibrations, so you know exactly where and how to place a new audio clip. Both audio clips should match each other as closely as possible and have only minimal differences.

    Determine where you want the first audio track to stop and where you want the second audio track to start playing. Next, you need to split both clips at the same point in the timeline. Do this by holding down the Shift key and selecting both audio tracks, then placing the cursor at the split point. Click the Edit button on the menu bar and select the Split Clip button. (Or press Command+B).

    Define the second split point on the timeline in the same way. You may need to play the audio track several times to determine the time interval we want to replace. Choose the separation area on the track where it is easiest to mix the audio tracks, that is, the junctions should be in the area of ​​the minimum sound level. Now, you should have two audio files, each with two timeline dividers.

    Delete the highlighted time slot on the top audio track, and then drag the highlighted time slot on the second audio track from the bottom file to the top audio file. To achieve the best results, you need to match the audio tracks as accurately as possible.

    You may need to change sound settings and adjust audio clips to get them to sound right, so listen to them several times. After achieving the desired effect, you can remove any unnecessary audio fragment from the second audio track.

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