When will oreo come out? Android Oreo update for Samsung Galaxy (2018). Autofill revolutionizes password management

The Google Developer Forum has updated information about which phones will be updated to Android Oreo. Our readers will find out which Xiaomi smartphones will receive Android 8.0 first.

Android 8.0 – sweet dessert “Oreo”

Google releases a new version of Android every year. In 2017, it is Android 8.0 Oreo, the name was announced on August 21 during the solar eclipse in the United States.

Like last year's Nougat update, Android Oreo was initially launched as a developer preview of Android O before the official launch.

As for the main features of Android 8.0, Oreo focuses on the speed and efficiency of the phone.

Using its Google Pixel smartphone as an example, Google promises that a new Android update can double the speed of the device.

Also, updating the operating system optimizes unnecessary background activity on the smartphone, reducing unnecessary battery consumption.

With the release of the stable version of Oreo, Google plans to amaze Android users with its functionality. The main features are picture-in-picture (PiP) mode, for example for YouTube, Hangouts and other applications; Full control of notifications on your phone, adaptive icons, improved font support and much more.

When compiling the list, we relied on official information from Google and confirmed data from Xiaomi.

It was interesting to see the opinion of one of the developers, who wrote that the MIUI graphical interface is so functional and practical that Google might not have bothered to update Xiaomi smartphones to Android Oreo. Still, many users who are accustomed to MIUI 8 and 9 features simply will not notice that their Xiaomi phones have been updated to Android 8.0.


  • – since the device was released under the Android One program, Mi A1 will be the first to receive the new update. Received December 30 – .


  • Mi 6,
  • Mi 5S, Mi 5X,
  • Mi Note 2,
  • Mi Mix,
  • Mi Mix 2,
  • Mi Max 2,
  • Redmi Note 5.


  • Redmi Pro 2, Redmi Note 4, Mi Max, Mi 5s Plus

Don't be upset if you don't find your phone on the list. We are sure that various ported versions will appear on the 4PDA and XDA forums as alternative solutions.

Exact dates will be added as information becomes available. The list will also be updated when information about new devices is confirmed.

Now, dear readers, you know which Xiaomi smartphones will be updated to Android 8.0. If you are just planning to buy a Xiaomi phone, and cannot choose between older models and more expensive new products, then this list will help make a choice for those for whom the latest updates to the Android operating system are important.

The eighth version of the Android operating system, codenamed Android O, is slowly beginning to acquire the first rumors. What will we see or would like to see in the coming 2017 in the most popular mobile OS? For now, only one thing can be said with certainty - Google will not change traditions and will call the next version one of the delicacies or a confectionery product.


UPDATED 07/18/2017:

Features that will definitely be in the final version of Android O:

  • Picture in Picture (PiP) mode- will allow you to use "application" on top of "application". A new era of multitasking
  • - not only the operating system, but also applications
  • Prioritize background applications - the battery will now last longer than 7.0
  • LDAC support- high-quality Bluetooth audio codec from Sony

UPDATED 07/17/2017:

Google has released the penultimate version for developers (there will be 4 in total) with a change in the API interface. Beta version available for Google Pixel, Google Pixel XL, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X or Pixel C models

Android release date moved to September/October 2017, because After the Google I/O conference, there are rumors that the full version will debut on the Google Pixel 2 device, which should be released within these months.

What are we waiting for?

The next letter, just like the version, will begin with the letter “O” (the previous ones had names: Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat). In fact, the good corporation has few options. Among the obvious favorites are Oreo- a well-known brand of cookies in America - in its homeland it surpasses even Chokopay in popularity, although in Russia they are not particularly favored. Orange is another candidate to make the eighth version of Android famous, although this is unlikely.

Is Android 8.0 Oreo?

By the way, the new version may well not be the next numbered one, i.e. become, for example, Android 7.2 and so on - just remember the versions of Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and KitKat. Moreover, the other day a new version 7.1 was released (for now only for developers), so the continuation of the 7.x version so far looks more likely than the release of the “eight”.

release date

Until last year, Google always tried to announce new software at the same time as hardware. In 2016, unexpectedly for everyone, the company began talking about Developer Preview Andoied N on the eve of the I/O conference. This is strange because the new Pixel XL phone was released only in October of this year, while Nougat appeared on third-party phones much earlier. Perhaps this is Google’s new policy, regarding the fact that equipment (in particular, phones) has ceased to be just a “carrier” of the new OS, but is becoming a more independent product. Therefore, the new version of the OS is expected in July-August 2017

Google Pixel is far from the first to receive Andoid Nougat

Does my phone support Android 8.0?

Even Google phones don't have forever support from the manufacturer. The same security updates are provided for three years after the device is released. Therefore, support Nexus 5x And Nexus 6P ends in September 2017, Nexus 9 And Nexus 6 were already left without it in October 2016 - which means that these phones will no longer receive the Android O update. We can say with almost 100% certainty that the current flagships from Samsung, HTC, LG and Motorola will receive updates in early 2018

Motorola G4 Plus will probably wait for its Android 8.0

Android 8.0 - is this Andromeda?

There is an opinion in the Western press that a new version of Android will be released by Google on October 4 - more precisely, it is a hybrid of Android and Chrome OS called constellation Andromeda. Google will decide to follow in the footsteps of Microsoft and is preparing a unified and universal eco-system for all types of devices. Does this mean the imminent demise of Android as an independent OS? It’s unlikely that Andomeda can be called an Android “killer” or its version 8.0, and here’s why:

  1. The new OS has been announced for both phones/tablets and laptops.
  2. The end result can be described as Google Chrome with Android features, rather than the other way around.
  3. The transition to the Andromeda system will be smooth and gradual, so we should see at least one more version of Android.
  4. Release date: 2017. It is unlikely that Google will allow itself to stop the development of its main operating system.
- another large-scale update of the Android OS, released (in the final version) at the end of the summer of 2017. In addition to general improvements (increasing speed, optimizing energy consumption, etc.), it introduced a number of original features. In particular, the capabilities for customizing notifications have been significantly expanded: for example, users can configure sound and notification for different types of events in one application. Reduced energy consumption is also achieved by controlling background applications and inactive tabs. Icons can be made dynamic, and programs will issue notifications by changing the appearance of such icons. Multitasking has expanded to include picture-in-picture support - for example, you can go in and look at your email without interrupting watching a video on a social network. In addition, Android 8.0 supports universal screen gestures (working in any application) and the ability to edit the set of shortcut buttons on the lock screen.

Android 8.1 Oreo brings support for neural networks to improve the overall performance of compatible devices, enables the Visual Core processor in the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL smartphones, and also enables Safe Web Browsing.

In addition, a battery indicator for paired Bluetooth accessories has been added, the autofill system has been improved, the security of the fingerprint scanner has been improved, and the principle of notifying users of incoming messages has been changed, preventing the sound signals from looping.

Nowadays, few people can be surprised by the power of a smartphone, the pixel density of the screen, a camera or even several cameras that take high-quality photos, fast charging or an NFC module for contactless payment. But what can really please any consumer is the lifespan of a smartphone on a single charge, that is, the volume of its battery. Fortunately, we received just such a smartphone for testing, which has all these characteristics and is ready to satisfy the needs of almost any consumer. Let's welcome Highscreen Power Five MAX 2 - a smartphone that definitely deserves your attention.

Another smartphone from the legendary Nokia brand, currently being developed by HMD Global, is being updated to the next version of the operating system. Nokia 8 users were very happy with the update. After all, a more recent OS traditionally expands the functionality of a smart phone and increases its efficiency. However, there is also a very important psychological moment for many - users of the updated device feel that their model is still relevant.

Users are always waiting for updates to their smartphone operating system. And it's especially nice to know that the smart phone, which just recently saw the light of day, will soon receive its first significant update. Nokia 7.1 was one of the most interesting technological announcements of October 2018. Users already know that it will be updated to Android 9 Pie, but now they have also been shown a clear confirmation of this. And this means that in the near future, Nokia 7.1 users will have access to great new features and capabilities of the next version of Android OS.

The Palm brand is back in the market with an amazing waterproof Android smartphone. First of all, the new product is intended to be used as an additional mobile device to the user’s main smart phone. It has an incredibly tiny screen, but at the same time it has a modern Android operating system. The body of the new Palm mobile device is made of premium materials. A convenient and beautiful smartphone once again reminded users of the legendary brand and showed that a giant screen is not necessary in every device. Sometimes a small display will be enough.

HMD Global, which owns the Nokia brand, has released Oreo for Nokia 3.1. The update, which is being distributed selectively, is already available to some users in India and possibly other countries. The widespread release, according to tradition, will occur a few days later.

The new operating system was announced yesterday, but it is not yet known when exactly smartphones will be able to receive the update.

Thanks to Mountain ViewE, it became known that the update to Android Oreo will be available for owners of Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Pixel C and Nexus Player. Pixel owners will be able to receive the update over the air, while everyone else will have to download it manually. The update weighs only 50 MB. Most likely, its weight for smartphones from other companies will be much greater.

How to update your smartphone to Android Oreo?

To update to Android Oreo right now, the first thing you need to do is back up your data on your smartphone. You can update in two ways:

  1. Manually by downloading special images.
  2. By joining the Android beta.

The second method is more reliable. You need to go to this page, log in to your Google account and click on the “register device” button. You can roll back to a previous version of the operating system on the same page. Owners of Google Pixel, Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P devices will soon be able to receive the update without downloading images and the Android Beta Program.

Google confirmed that operators have already begun testing new software for these devices. The update will occur in stages. It is also confirmed that some devices from Essential, General Mobile, HMD Global, Huawei, HTC, Kyocera, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Sharp and Sony will receive the Android 8.0 Oreo update before the end of 2017.