Set the date and time. How to change the time on your computer. How to return an installed widget

I came across the question of how to set the time on my computer when switching to winter time mode. For me, then still a complete “newbie” on the Internet, this was a problem. As it turned out, this issue can be resolved easily and simply in a few minutes.
Let's look at 2 ways to set the time on a Windows 7 computer.
In other Windows operating systems, adjustments follow the same scheme.

Set the date and time on your computer from the notification panel using the time indicator.

In the lower right corner of the computer monitor, by left-clicking on the date and time, a window appears containing information about the current date and time. Click on the triangles on the sides of the calendar and see the date of interest for any month.
To change the time settings, click on the “Change date and time settings” tab and the following settings window will open. Here, by clicking on the “Date and Time” tab, we make the necessary changes.
If the time of your region of residence differs from the time of Moscow, then by clicking on the “Change time zone” tab, select your time zone.
For those who have a transition to summer and winter time, I recommend checking the “Automatic transition to summer time and back” checkbox.
In the “Internet Time” tab, by clicking the “Change Settings” function, you can set the Internet time. To do this, check the “Synchronize with an Internet time server” checkbox and click “Update now.”
Then the correct time is automatically set, which will be adjusted in the future without your participation. This simplifies your work and you don’t need to be distracted by manually changing the time. Don’t forget to click on the “OK” button after each change of parameters.

Set the time on your computer from the control panel

By clicking the "Start" button at the bottom left of the monitor, select the "Control Panel" tab.
In the window that opens, in the upper right corner, select the “Large icons” view and open, by clicking the mouse button, “Date and time”.
Next, we make settings similar to those indicated above.
This is how easy and simple it is to set the date and time on your computer.
Great job!

Every computer, laptop (netbook) has a clock; it is located in the lower right part of the screen (by default, you can remove it if desired). You can set the time automatically or manually.

Even after turning off the computer, they do not stop, but continue to “go.”

There is a battery (tablet) on the motherboard, which allows some functions to be constantly “on alert”

To set the correct and accurate time on your computer in Windows 7 (similarly in Windows 8), click on the electronic clock in the tray and click on the line “change date and time settings”.

A window will open where you can easily set (change) the time on your computer.

Also, by clicking on the line “Internet time” at the top, you can set the clock to automatically synchronize.

To set the exact time for your region, select your time zone (there are several in Russia), so you can correct the time if it does not match.

Install a time gadget on your computer

The standard clock (the one in the tray) displays the time accurately, but it is very small, and if the screen is far away, you have to strain your eyes to find out what time it is.

That's all. I only wanted to write how to set the time, but somehow, unbeknownst to myself, I described a few more convenient functions of the computer - perhaps they will be useful to you. Good luck.

Setting the date and time on your computer is sometimes simply necessary. Below I will explain why. After the unjustified transition to summer and winter time was finally canceled in our country, setting the system clock became especially relevant. Thousands of users have never been able to reset their clocks, and all files are created with incorrect time formats. Some people may not care about this, but if you work with electronic documents, then there may be overlaps. Imagine that you send some file with a report to a higher organization, it arrives there, they process it, and suddenly it turns out that the file was created a day later from the date of creation of this file? In most cases, no one pays attention to this, but it happens that for some reason you have to prove that you created and sent the report on time, but in the file properties there is a completely different date. And this may not work in your favor.

Also for this reason, even an antivirus program can get confused and fail. And modern browsers may refuse to display sites due to an incorrect date. Even so, you need to set the date and time on your computer. Sometimes this is quite easy to do!

Correction of date and time values ​​is usually done manually.


  • A dialog box will open Properties: Date and time .
  • Open the tab DATE AND TIME .

  • On the panel DATE select year, month, day .
  • On the panel TIME Using a three-section counter, set the current time accurate to the second. Each counter field (out of three) is specified separately.

If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can synchronize the time. To do this, go to the tab INTERNET TIME and check the box SYNCHRONIZE WITH AN INTERNET TIME SERVER .

For some users, the simplest manipulations even seem very non-trivial. I think you were once in a situation where you spent a long time dealing with some problem, and its solution took 1-2 minutes. From time to time we have to make adjustments to the system and that is why, now I will tell you how to set the date and time on a computer in Windows 7. This can be done in several ways, but I will consider only one, the most basic and most convenient, without any unnecessary steps and in as much detail as possible.

Note: I'll use Windows 7 as an example, but after reading this article, you will be able to change the time and date on other Windows systems. Because you will understand the chain of how to do it.

First of all, move the cursor to the lower right side of the screen, find there the date, which is displayed as time and, in fact, today’s date. We left-click and a window opens in front of us.

You will not make any changes here, this window will be useful, for example, to see how many days there are in this month. To start making changes, we need to left-click on the inscription: “Change date and time settings.”

So, now another window with three tabs appears before our eyes. We are interested in “Date and Time”, which is where you should be by default. Here you can find the “Change date and time” button (an important point: the account you are currently using must have administrator rights, otherwise the computer will simply restrict access to the settings).

Click it and we see the third window “Setting the time and date”.

On the left side there is a block with a calendar. By scrolling with the help of small black triangles (I usually call them “tabs”), you can select the month and year by clicking once on the desired number - the date is obtained accordingly.

There is a dial on the right side of the window, click on the first number (hours) and change the hours, minutes and seconds to the desired value, or hold down the mouse button on the triangles on the right (the top one increases the time, and the bottom one decreases it). Once you have figured out how to set the date and time on your computer, click “OK” wherever we are prompted and enjoy the correct date!

The only thing I can add is a description of alternative ways to open the Date and Time window. Go to “Start” - “Control Panel”. Next to the “View” inscription, set the value to “Small icons” and click “Date and time”. After this, we do everything according to the instructions described above. As an option, for those who type quickly, I also suggest simply opening “Start” and typing the word “Time” in the search bar. The search results will prompt you to go to “Date and Time”.

In general, this is all that can be said on the question of how to set the date and time on a computer. If another system is installed on the computer, then the principle of changing the date and time is not much different, the main thing is to know where and how.

Important! If after a reboot your time is lost, it’s a virus or you need to replace the battery in the system unit.

To set the date and time in Windows XP, a special utility is used. To call it, open the control panel and click on the date and time icon. An additional window will be displayed on the screen, consisting of three tabs: date and time - this is the first tab on which you can set the date and time. In order to change the date, you must select a month. Open the drop-down list and click on one of its items. Next, set the year and click on one of the days of the month. Changing the time can be done as follows. Set the rates to any position in the time entry line. And after that, click on the arrows to the right of the line to either increase or decrease the value.


On this tab you can set the time zone. Open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow images on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and left-click on it. At the bottom of the tab there is an icon that specifies the mode of automatic transition to summer and winter time.

Internet time

If the computer is a member of a domain, its clock is probably automatically synchronized with a network time server. If the computer is not part of a domain, the computer's clock can be synchronized with an Internet time server. In order to synchronize, select a server; to do this, open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow images on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and left-click on it. Next, click the update now button and the synchronization will take place. If synchronization is enabled, the computer clock is synchronized with an Internet time server once a week.