Top up your mobile account with pagetester. Simple tasks from Pagetester How to receive tasks in pagetester

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to make money testing websites. This is a rather interesting way of making money on the Internet, which you may like, and besides, it can bring in good money.

In general, you can get a job as a website tester as a full-time job. Yes, yes, you will need to check the functionality of various online resources every day. But for this you need to know programming languages, since you will have to work not only with the outer shell, but also with the inner one. Typically, testers are hired by large website development companies, and accordingly, the requirements for this position are high. At the same time, the salary is appropriate.

You can also start earning money by testing websites from freelance exchanges or forums for webmasters. Sometimes there are vacancies for testers on these sites, so if you have expressed a desire, then you should definitely visit them.

But the easiest option for users who have neither experience nor special knowledge is the site This project provides an opportunity for work to any user, and over the entire period of its existence it has already paid out more than 4.4 million rubles. Pagetester has 239 thousand users and their number is growing every day.

To work with this project you will need a special one, which can be downloaded from the official website.

You will also need to register. You will need to register directly in the extension itself. First, click on the extension, after which you need to enter your mobile phone number - it must be active, since an SMS message with a code will be sent to it.

After logging into your personal account, new ones will appear. They are very similar to those that are usually performed when working with . The tasks that you will come across consist of ordinary actions - entering queries into the search bar, transitions on the site, clicks on the site. Nothing is complicated, everything is absolutely elementary that even a child can cope with such tasks.

Of course, it’s problematic to call such tasks “testing,” but it looks like “cheating on behavioral factors,” but don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. And even more so, where can it be even easier to make money on the Internet by testing sites than with the Pagetester project.

How much can you earn testing websites with the Pagetester project?
The cost of tasks ranges from 1-5 rubles, depending on the complexity. At first, you will receive no more than 2-3 such tasks per day, but after some time the number of available daily tasks will grow, and with it your income will grow.

You will spend about 5-10 minutes to complete one task worth 4 rubles, so for an hour of work you can get 24-48 rubles. Quite good, considering that there are prospects of getting paid per day for such simple work. But it’s also worth considering that tasks don’t appear on Pagetester that often, so don’t count too much - it’s impossible to get millions here.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that this project provides an opportunity for users to earn money through an affiliate program. That is, you can collect a good base of referrals and receive a good daily profit, which will be credited to your account in passive mode.

The affiliate program allows you to receive 10% of the amount earned by the referral you attract.

Withdrawal of earned money
You can withdraw money from the project in your “Personal Account” once you have earned 10 rubles. The money will be credited to your mobile account. But don’t despair right away, because even with this you have the opportunity to transfer the amount to a bank card, for example Sberbank. You can read more about how to do this.

To be honest, recently this project has begun to “die” - fewer and fewer tasks appear, and accordingly, the amount of earnings decreases. But don’t despair, because maybe the developers will attract new guarantors and everything will return as it was before, and perhaps even better.

Easy methods of making money on the Internet have always been, and even today remain more attractive to users. Especially for beginners who find it difficult to choose which side is best to approach this matter. Fortunately, tasks that do not require any investment or special knowledge from you, for which you can get money, are available to everyone.

Making money on PageTester tasks is one of those methods that is ideal for beginners. You will be prompted to download a browser extension (it is only suitable for Google Chrome). With its help, it will be possible to perform simple tasks.


Easy work with tasks on the Internet

What else should you pay attention to? Let's talk about . You can play and earn money. Available to everyone, without any investment at all.

In order to download the add-ons you will be provided with a link. After that, all you have to do is go through a quick registration. At the first stage of registration, you will be asked for a mobile phone, which will subsequently receive a special code. After specifying it in the next step, you click the Complete registration button. Ready! Now the extension has entered active mode and started searching for tasks available to you. There are not as many of them as we would like, and they appear rarely, but as soon as something happens, you will see a notification in your browser. Once you open it, you will be able to agree or refuse.

How to perform tasks on PageTester?

First of all, click on the Start Execution button. The Yandex page opens, and the extension tells you what to do. If a line is highlighted, you need to copy it, paste it into the search bar and click Search. No confirmation is required from you. Once the specified step is completed, the extension will automatically change the tooltip. You will need to make various requests and visit sites. But the most important thing is to follow the last steps.

If one of them requires you to find a specific site, know that it is not difficult. It is located on page 1-2. Once you land on it, a timer will appear in the extension. Until its time ends, you must remain on the site. In the remaining steps, it may be necessary to close the search engine tabs and the site tabs. Completing tasks on PageTester is similar in degree of difficulty to earning money from clicks, and using the affiliate program, you have the opportunity to earn even more. You will receive 10% of each task that will be completed by a person who came through your affiliate link.

There is no minimum amount for withdrawal, which is disappointing. But withdrawal of earned funds is only available to a mobile phone. This operation is also performed using a hint

By clicking the Pay Now button, the entire amount from the balance on PageTester will immediately be credited to your account.

It is ideal for everyone, but only as a supplement to the main type of income, since offers to complete tasks do not come often. It is better to earn your main capital on Wmmail And Seosprint , and when the extension gives the sign, proceed to the tasks of this project. Payment for each of which starts from 2 rubles.

I advise you to visit the following articles:

Today we will talk about a website for making money like PageTester. Reviews about it are very varied, and therefore it is worthy of attention. To begin with, we will describe our personal experience with the site, and then evaluate what others think about it.


Most often, Pagetester does not find tasks, but before we look into this problem, we note that we are talking about an absolutely unique exchange. The site was developed by professional designers. To log into the project, you must use a Chromium-based browser. After clicking on the site address, a special pop-up window will appear. Next, you should install a special plugin, thanks to which the resource works. Let's launch it. You are prompted to provide a mobile phone number. This is required to complete registration. A message with a transaction confirmation code will be sent to your phone. It must be entered in the appropriate field. Next, the selection of suitable tasks should begin. After completing the work, the money, according to the creators, will be sent to the phone through which registration took place. Only clients of Russian telecom operators are accepted to participate. If we talk about the project in general, it is positioned as a system for testing sites.


Reviews about the site are quite varied, but first we will share our personal impressions of the project. The first thing that pleasantly surprises you when entering the project is its appearance. Let's now look at the request “http//, reviews”. It is entered into Yandex by 500 people every month. 2,700 users are interested in the resource itself. Let's not forget that we are talking about a new project. At the same time, in the search, the site ranks 68th among projects that allow you to earn money on your mobile phone account. We managed to register according to all the rules and get to the stage of selecting tasks. However, after half an hour there was still no work for us. It is difficult to find out in practice what the essence of the project is. The fact is that the site only has a user agreement. The resource consists of three pages. At the same time, one of them offers to attack friends with intrusive advertising in order to attract them to the system. PageTester still doesn't find tasks for us. It can be assumed that there are a lot of people who want to earn money, and there is not enough work for everyone.

Positive opinion

If you're interested in PageTester, there are plenty of other people's reviews of this project. Next we will try to summarize and discuss them. One of the users claims that he managed to get 8 rubles in just 4 tasks. In this case, to receive money you need to restart the phone. In addition, funds may be credited to the account without a corresponding message. We also managed to find several screenshots showing payments from the system. According to some reviews, it reaches 30-40 rubles per day. Many people are pleased that the description of tasks is step-by-step. Most often, the work involves following links. However, some tasks can be performed repeatedly using different browsers. Some reviews recommend that users disable the computer's anti-virus system before performing tasks.

Negative points

There are not only positive but also negative reviews about the Pagetester project. The most common complaint is the low number of orders. The system also recognizes some completed tasks as failed. The support service rarely gets in touch. A number of users are dissatisfied that only residents of Russia can participate in the project. Many people would like to receive payments through payment systems rather than by phone. There are complaints that payments for expensive tasks are not credited to the account. Some reviews claim that tasks occur in the system only at night. Sometimes the program freezes, in which case it should be deleted and downloaded again. A number of complaints concern the poor functioning of the automatic notification system. Sometimes there are tasks that are too long, but their price remains standard - 2 rubles. If you do not enter the confirmation code from the message during registration, the system may refuse to resend it in the future.

There are complaints about insufficient payment for one task. In some cases, a user may be blocked by IP address. Some reviews say that such sanctions are applied to system participants undeservedly. Sometimes the number of tasks reaches one within two days. A number of comments note that you can only earn money through the affiliate system, since there are not enough tasks for everyone. There are disappointed reviews from residents of Belarus, since they do not have the opportunity to take part in the project. For a number of users, one task worth 2 rubles takes more than half an hour.


Obviously, there are different reviews about the PageTester project. Anyone can check the work of the project on their own; in any case, there is no risk here, however, most often there is no profit either.

Students and housewives, schoolchildren and retirees, and many other active Internet users want to do it directly from home or work, but don’t yet know how to even try it. On this site “Real Earnings” I review many such ways to make money on the Internet , which will not require any specific skills, knowledge or abilities from you. Now we will talk about another such way of getting money - making money by testing sites.

Making money by testing websites is a rather original way to make money on the Internet, which the service offers us Pagetester . More than 220 thousand people already earn money with this service and they have earned about 4.5 million rubles. The number of users of this project continues to grow.

Registration in Pagetester in our usual understanding is not required. Instead of Pagetester registration, we install a special application from the application’s page on Google Play. To avoid falling for the tricks of various scammers, download this application from the official website Pagetester . Press the buttonInstall:

Now in the browser dialog box click Install extension:

After installing the application, a message indicating that the installation was successful will appear.

That's it, you can start working. Now the installed application needs to be activated. To do this, click on the application icon next to the browser command line

and enter your real cell phone number:

Confirm the entered phone number. To do this, enter the confirmation code previously sent to you at the specified number:

Your Pagetester registration is complete, you can start working. How to make money with Pagetester Immediately after activating the application, the Pagetester project will automatically start looking for a task for you, this may take some time:

There are still not as many tasks here as many would like and they do not appear as often, so while you are searching for a task that suits you, you can practice on mailing sites.

On projects and There are simply too many different tasks:

With mailers, try to earn money not by viewing advertised sites, but by completing tasks, since the pay is much higher here. You will have to register somewhere, download some files, like, watch videos, join groups, write reviews and various comments, find specific sites through search engines and much more.

You can withdraw the money you earn from mailing sites to variouselectronic wallets , while with Pagetester only to the phone number specified when activating the application. In the meantime, the Pagetester system selected an available task for us. The application icon has changed and a number appears on top of it - this means that there is an available task:

Click Start Execution and a new tab will open with the advertised site, at the bottom of which tips on our further actions will appear:

Make money on the Internet With Pagetester you can do it quite easily; no investment is required. Of course, there are not very many tasks yet, but the project is in development, and you have the opportunity to increase your income using an excellent affiliate program in which you pay 10% of the money earned by users you attract. I hope that my article will help you figure out how to make money with Pagetester.

Pagetester reviews

As always, you can find a lot of reviews on the Internet and they will be both positive and negative. It just all depends on who wants to earn money and who doesn’t. In any case, you will not lose anything, do not invest money and do not risk anything at all. Need to try.

Earnings suitable for a beginner - Earnings on PageTester. PageTester is a browser extension that allows you to perform tasks

Hello, dear readers of the blog site.

Every day, there are more and more Internet users who want to earn money. Therefore, simple ways of earning money are popular, because just starting, it’s difficult for you to choose the right path.

There are quite a lot of simple tasks online that you can earn money by completing. At the same time, without having any skills, age is also unimportant.

One of the earning options suitable for a beginner is making money on PageTester.

PageTester is a browser extension that allows you to complete a task. Moreover, this extension is only suitable for the browser. Google Chrome.

How to earn moneyon PageTester.

There will be a link on the site where you can download the browser extension. Next, as with any project, you need to register. Registration is simple and will take you no more than 3 minutes. So in the first step of registration you will need to write your mobile phone number.

An SMS with a code will be sent to your mobile phone. The code will be needed to complete registration.

That's it, registration is over. And our addition starts working and actively looking for tasks for us. I am sad to report that there are quite a few tasks. But when the task appears, a notification will appear in the browser. As soon as we open it, we will have the opportunity to accept and begin the task or refuse.

The tasks are not difficult to complete. And now we will show you everything in detail and teach you everything. First of all, click on the “Start Execution” button. A Yandex page will open for us. And the PageTester add-on will give us hints.

I think the hint is quite clear. Copy the text and start searching. No confirmation is needed; as soon as the page stops loading, the prompt will change.

The picture shows only step 4. But the next steps, in fact, will not differ much from the previous ones. But the last steps are the most important, so we will skip those in which you need to make requests or visit different sites. So let's start with step 11.

So, having entered a request, you need to find a site that requests our add-on. This is not difficult to do; you need to review the first 3 pages. Having found a site and after going to it, there will be a timer in the extension until the time on it runs out from the site.

There are still a couple of steps left in which you will be asked to close tabs, both with the site and with the search engine. In my opinion, completing the task is quite simple. There is another way to earn extra money on PageTester, which is to use the referral system.

There is no minimum amount for withdrawal in this system. An obvious disadvantage is that you can only withdraw to your phone. The conclusion, like everything else, is done through a hint.

All you have to do is click on “Pay Now” and every last penny will be credited to your phone at the same moment.

As if to sum it up, I would like to say that everything is extremely simple and convenient. But the absence of a large number of tasks leaves this type of income in the column as additional.

Therefore, when there are no tasks, you should start making money on or

I hope you found the article useful. Thank you for your attention. Good luck!