How to turn off notifications. Is it possible to disable Telegram? How to turn off notifications in telegram

The Telegram messenger allows users not only to communicate with each other, but also to subscribe to all kinds of groups and channels. In personal communication, each message can be important, while in various chats and channels there are often more than a dozen people, each of whom can write at one time or another. This results in a large number of messages and, as a result, a large number of notifications. Telegram messenger allows you to configure alerts by saving sound when new messages arrive only from certain contacts, and in this article we will look at how to do this.

How to turn off notifications in Telegram

If you have subscribed to a Telegram channel, each publication of a message in it will be accompanied by an alert. Depending on the settings (which will be discussed below), the nature of the alerts may vary on different devices. In some Telegram clients this will be sound and vibration, in others just sound or, for example, a visual display of the presence of a new message.

To turn off notifications in Telegram from a channel, group chat or a specific user, just click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the message window, after which a drop-down menu will appear. Click on the Mute item to hide notifications from this dialog about new messages in it.

Please note: If you are subscribed to a channel that receives messages, but you cannot communicate in it, you can turn off notifications from it even easier. At the bottom of the dialog box there is a button that displays the current alert status -Mute orUnmute. Click on it to change the status of notifications from this channel.

How to turn off the sound of notifications in Telegram

If you need to disable or change notifications in Telegram altogether, you can do this in the settings of the client itself.

Important: We are talking about disabling notifications specifically for a specific client. That is, if you have Telegram, authorized under a single account, installed on several devices (phone, tablet, computer, etc.), then in each client you will have to disable or configure notifications using the method described below.

Setting up notifications in Telegram occurs in a separate section as follows:

Please note: It is also possible to disable notifications from certain users or channels directly from this settings window.

It is worth noting that the above is about setting up official clients. If you use third-party applications for Telegram, the notification settings in them may differ.

The Telegram messenger has a special notification system. It is implemented through the appearance of text notes in the status line and sound signals. And if its first manifestation does not cause much discomfort to users, then the second may be annoying. After all, a group usually has a large number of participants, from whom a lot of messages come. Regular sound signals will simply distract the user from important activities or relaxation. There is also a vibration signal, which not everyone will like either.

Therefore, many are interested in how to turn off notifications in Telegram. The most primitive way is to completely deactivate the alert system on your smartphone. But this method is associated with certain nuances. If you do this, you will stop receiving notifications from other programs. To avoid this disadvantage, you can use the internal tools of the Telegram Messenger application.

Turn off notifications

First of all, let's consider the option in which the notification system in the application is completely disabled. The procedure itself is quite simple and includes several steps:

In the same menu, the user has access to detailed settings for notifications, display of pop-up messages, a vibration signal when notified, and other modes. Everything can be set according to your own preferences.

But that's not all. In this menu, global settings are set, and we move on to private ones. You can select the notification mode for each chat, channel or group separately. It's pretty simple:

  1. Open the dialog that requires settings;
  2. In the upper right corner there is an icon with three vertical dots designed to open the menu, open it;

In the pop-up list, select the notification item and configure everything according to your own preferences.

Surely many of you are already actively using the program, making new friends and subscribing to various news channels. After all, the structure of the program itself is quite convenient and universal, so it is convenient to use, and there is nothing superfluous in the program itself. Therefore, many users are actively studying all the features of this product and trying to use all the available functions.

Today we will try to look at a few points related to muting sound and notifications, which can sometimes be too annoying and in the way. To do this, it will be enough to use our special instructions that will help you understand this situation.

Mute sound in Telegram

So, if you don’t know how to mute the sound in Telegram, then you just need to use the following steps:

This way you can turn off audio messages that may have previously bothered you.

Disable notifications in Telegram

Now it’s worth figuring out how to turn off notifications in Telegram; to do this, just do the following:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this direction. It is enough just to carefully follow all our instructions and then you will definitely achieve a positive result. It is worth noting that if you want to return sound or notifications, then you can simply follow all the same steps and just change the last item.

There is nothing complicated in this direction; you can intuitively understand all the available subtleties. All that remains is to wish you pleasant use of the program and recommend using our website more often, where you can find many more interesting articles on this program.

Telegram allows you to subscribe to channels and monitor their content in the mode of signal messages (notifications). Although there are often a lot of subscriptions to channels, it causes a large number of spam messages, which also have sound. To avoid such “troubles” you just need to turn off the message signal.

This article will discuss how to disable notifications in chats and channels.

How to turn off all notifications?

The problem of constant notifications can be solved in two ways: globally and locally. In the first case, you can turn off all alarm messages, and in the second only in selected channels, but this takes more time.

To turn off notifications you need to follow simple instructions, namely:


How to turn off notifications in channels?

A more complex way to get rid of a huge number of notifications from channels is to turn them off specifically. There are two ways to do this.

First way:

Second way:

Using these methods, you can disable signal messages for all irrelevant channels and thereby get rid of unnecessary spam.

Turning off the sound in a personal Telegram chat?

Let's start with the fact that the second method, described at the top of the article, is identical to disabling notifications in a personal chat. Besides this, there is another way, namely:

Notifications on iPhone?

Telegram on iOS has an identical settings menu and chats, and therefore the methods for disabling alarm messages are no different. In addition, there is one additional method. To turn off notifications in chat, you need to click on the contact’s avatar and click on the “Mute” bell at the top.

Turn off notifications on your computer

In the PC version of the messenger, notifications are sent directly to the desktop, which often causes other programs to be minimized.

To completely disable notifications, you need to go to settings and simply uncheck the box next to “Desktop notifications” and “Sound”.

To turn off signal messages in chats and channels, you need to click on the three dots in the upper right part of the program.

In the window that opens, select “Disable notifications.”


Pavel Durov's messenger can do a lot more than you think. The Telegram application, which appeared in 2013, has become one of the most popular instant messengers in the world. More than 100 million monthly active users is a solid statistic, although it pales a little in the shadow of WhatsApp's billion. Telegram messenger is known for its security and safety. An overview of 15 hidden functions of the application will help make communication with its help as convenient and effective as possible.

Telegram is available as an application on both smartphones (Android, iOS) and computers (Linux, Windows, MacOS). Although the creators of the messenger place security at the forefront, the service has been repeatedly criticized for serious gaps in the protection of user data.

First, by default, all messages are stored on the server. Mr. Durov explains that storing messages on the server allows you to obtain the history of messages on any device after the user logs into your account, and also prevents the creation of unauthorized backups by third-party applications via the API.

Secondly, end-to-end encryption is only available for voice calls, as well as encrypted "secret" chats. Be that as it may, Telegram is a reliable and convenient messenger that allows you to chat, share content, subscribe to news channels and communicate using voice calls.

15 Hidden Telegram Features

1. Disable pop-up notifications

Previews of messages on the lock screen or notification shade can be useful, but private messages can be accidentally seen by anyone who happens to be nearby or who briefly picks up a smartphone. Fortunately, such pop-up notifications can be turned off in the messenger settings.

To turn off previews of new messages in Telegram, you need to go to Settings -> Notifications and sounds -> Pop-up notifications. The app offers four options: "Never", "Only when the screen is on", "Only when the screen is off" and "Always show". Choose the setting that suits you. To completely disable pop-up notifications in Telegram, select “Never”.

2. Select the color of the LED for notifications (Android only)

In Telegram for Android smartphones with an LED on the front, you can select the notification color to let you know at a glance that a new message has arrived in Telegram.

To do this you need to go to Settings -> Notifications and sound -> LED color. You can choose red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, white, or turn off the LED blinking altogether. Color options depend on the smartphone model. There is no such setting on the iPhone, since the Apple smartphone does not have an LED.

3. Set up notifications for each contact

A hidden Telegram feature that allows you to mute or temporarily block notifications from specific contacts. With its help, you can turn off notifications, for example, from personal contacts while working, or turn off alerts about new messages in news channels so as not to be distracted.

To set up notifications for a specific contact in Telegram, you need to go into a chat with him (tap on the contact), select settings (three vertical dots in the upper corner), then click on the option “ Disable notifications" The application will offer several options: “for 1 hour”, “for 8 hours”, “for 2 days” and “turn off completely”.

4. Manage downloads of files, pictures, gifs and videos

In the Telegram application, you can send any file to a contact, including multimedia, up to 1.5 gigabytes in size. If your mobile Internet is not unlimited (and Russian operators practically don’t have it anymore), then you should protect yourself from large files by disabling automatic downloading of files (gifs, music, voice messages, photos, etc.) in the settings.

To set up automatic uploading of files of various types to Telegram, you need to go to Settings -> Data and disk. Here you can choose which files the application can download via the mobile Internet, which via Wi-Fi, and which in roaming. The customization options are quite flexible: photos, voice messages, video messages, videos, files, music, gifs.

Also in the Telegram settings (main menu) you can disable Autoplay GIF to prevent unnecessary data from being loaded without the user's knowledge.

5. How to Enable Toast Notifications with Reply from Home Screen (Android Only)

While Telegram's pop-up notifications can be annoying, they can be useful if you're actively chatting on the messenger. With their help, you can write answers directly from the home screen of your smartphone without opening the application itself. You can reply even from a locked screen, wasting a minimum of time. This feature is only available to Android phone owners.

Let's go to Settings -> Notifications and sound -> Pop-up notifications and select either “Always show” or “When the screen is on/off”. By selecting the “always” option, you will be able to respond to notifications even from the locked screen.

6. Deleting secret chats using a timer

Secret chats in Telegram are a fairly popular feature because they include reliable end-to-end encryption, notifications about screenshots being taken at the “other end of the line,” and other security options. The messenger also has the ability to send timed self-destructing messages.

To enable message deletion by timer, click on three dots in the top right corner of the secret chat and choose Deletion by timer. Then we set the time period after which the message will be destroyed. After this, all messages sent and received in the secret chat will be deleted without the possibility of recovery.

7. How to disable the display of “Last activity” (“was)” for specific contacts

WhatsApp also has a secret function to disable the notification about the last login to the messenger, but Telegram implements it more conveniently. In Durov's application you can specify exceptions, i.e. stop showing application login times for specific contacts. Instead of the exact time, they will now show “was recently, within a week, or within a month.”

To hide Telegram login time from some contacts, you need to go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Latest Activity. Here in the options you can specify the display of your activity - to everyone, only to your contacts, or to no one. In addition, using the option " Always hide from» You can limit the display of recent activity to selected contacts.

8. Search by messages

Do you want to read early messages in correspondence, but don’t want to scroll through kilometers of screens? Then in Telegram you can enable search by message history. To find a specific message in the application, go to a regular or group chat, tap on three vertical points in the upper right corner of the screen and select Search. Then everything is the same as in Google or Word - enter a keyword, the application highlights all found words in the message history, and you can use the arrows below to move between the found keywords.

9. Protect chats with a password

Unlike other instant messengers, Telegram has a built-in password protection feature for chats. This way you can protect your correspondence from strangers, even if they have an unlocked smartphone at their disposal.

To protect chats in Telegram with a password, go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Passcode. We enable this useful function, enter the password and set the time Auto-locks. Let's say we choose 1 hour. Then, an hour after the last activity, the application will block the chats, and they can only be opened after entering the password. You can also block chats manually by clicking lock icon on the main screen of the application(in the upper right corner).

10. Disconnect devices remotely and check active sessions

Telegram is a multi-platform messenger, so you can access your account and chats on almost any device, be it an Android smartphone, a MacOS laptop, or a home computer on Linux. You can start communicating on your smartphone, and then switch to a laptop or tablet without interrupting communication.

Pavel Durov's messenger allows you to check the current sessions of your account. Go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Active Sessions. Here you can not only view active sessions, but also close them or even log out remotely from another device (let’s say you forgot to log out of your account on a work computer that someone else is using). A convenient Telegram feature that few people know about. Now you are among them.

11. Preview and add stickers

Telegram allows you to add full sets of stickers, and you can even create your own using the @Stickers bot. Although there is no option to add stickers in the app itself, you can use third-party websites like or even the Telegram Stickers app (look for it on Google Play).

To add a sticker, go to the website and use a simple form to add your own stickers to the messenger. The Telegram Stickers app on Android makes this even easier (it's free). Once the sticker is added, you can preview it by tapping and holding.

12. Sending “silent” messages and editing messages in Channels

The muted message reaches the recipient, but the application on his device does not enable a notification about it (sound and/or LED). The function of sending “silent” messages in Telegram is useful if you do not want to disturb your interlocutor and nothing urgent is required.

To send a muted message in a channel, click the corresponding button next to the text input field. You can edit a message in Telegram by tapping on it and selecting the “Edit” option.

13. Using Telegram bots

Telegram bots are accounts that can be programmed to perform certain actions, expanding the functionality of the messenger. For example, the @Stickers bot allows you to use a variety of commands to create stickers, delete them, add them, etc. There are many cool bots in the messenger, such as @Imagebot (searching for images using keywords), @Pollbot (creating polls), @Storebot (searching for new bots) and so on.

New bots can be found using the Telegram Bot Store (, or you should click on “New message” and look for a bot. Bots can be added to groups and even shared with your contacts.

14. Read messages without going online

In Telegram, you can read messages without going online using the preview in the notification, if it is not a very long message. However, there is a way to read any message in the messenger without notifying the contact who sent it that it was read. We proceed as follows.

If you receive a message that needs to be read secretly, turn off mobile Internet/Wi-Fi or turn on airplane mode on your smartphone. Then open Telegram and read the message. Have you read it? Close the application, turn on the Internet. That's it, now your interlocutor will not know that you saw the message.

15. Hide pictures and videos received on Telegram from the smartphone’s Gallery.

Don’t want photos and videos from Telegram to be visible in the standard Gallery on your phone? They are easy to hide. On Android, go to Settings, where we turn off Save to gallery. On the iPhone, go to the smartphone settings, security, photos and disable Telegram.

16. Delete or enable self-destruction of your Telegram account

Telegram has a feature that automatically deletes your account if you haven't used it for some time. The secret function is hidden in Settings -> Security and Privacy. Here you can set the time after which your account will be permanently deleted after your last activity.

If you decide to delete your Telegram account right now, you can do this on the service deactivation page. There you will need to enter the phone number to which the messenger account is linked. Please note that deletion means the destruction of chats, contacts, groups and all messages forever, without the possibility of recovery.

17. Turning a group into a supergroup

Telegram allows you to turn a small group into a large one, i.e. supregroup. A supergroup can consist of up to 1000 people! It has its own super functions. For example, new users can view all previous messages, you can also delete messages from the supergroup (they will disappear from the devices of all members), and so on.

You won't be able to turn a group into a supergroup from the app; you'll have to download the Telegram client for Windows, OS X or Linux. Then we go to information about the group, enter the command tosupergroup and voila! The Enhance to Supergroup option will appear. It is worth noting that you cannot roll back the change.


Telegram, like any other messenger, has a lot of hidden features. The review will surely help you communicate with greater convenience and comfort. Read in the related links below the review on how to tame Viber and WhatsApp, and also take a look at our section with reviews of useful applications and cool games for Android and iPhone.