Ten mobile applications for car owners. What is the name of the program that shows what is recorded on others' phones? Instant Blend: multiple exposure as one of the functions

More and more such photos are appearing on the networks and you probably want to try the filters for yourself too. Today you do it, let's start searching.

What is the name of the program where you can make yourself old or change your gender?

With every new program that does something new, the developers magically manage to surprise us. We fall for this very easily.

Now let’s just go through the possibilities and you can understand whether this is exactly what you’ve probably been looking for for so long.

The first thing to note is your smile. There are filters that will make anyone cheerful. A smile just appears and in fact, both options are completely different and can only be chosen in practice.

The main filters that attracted a lot of attention were Youth, Old Age and, of course, Change of gender to male or female. Just for fun, you can try yourself in each of them.

The whole thing is placed in a 2 by 2 collage and placed on Instagram, for example. If all these points converge, then you are definitely on the next point of the article.

How to use this program?

I won’t torment you for long and I want to say that the application for all the above actions is called FaceApp. It appeared quite a long time ago, but it was only able to attract attention now.

If you have ever used such programs, then in principle there should be no problems. First, launch and take your photo. If you don’t know how to remove the oval, then just move the phone away from your face.

Next, scroll through and try different filters. Everything is done using neural networks, so the process may take some time. Don't think that this is a matter of seconds.

There are buttons to immediately share your work on social networks. But if you just want to save it to your smartphone, then the button on the right with a down arrow is created just for you.

We write the name in the application store and just download it. If anything, here are the download links if you don’t want to search:

This article will be useful for those who want to track the location of a person on a map who has a smartphone or tablet on Android. A complete set of features and applications has been collected with which you can monitor a person.

For what?

There can be many options for finding out where a person is, from the banal finding out where the child is now, to where is my husband? This article is not intended to find out the motive, but only to provide tools with which to perform surveillance on Android.

How it works?

Almost all modern Android smartphones and tablets have GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile communications. If GPS is directly related to finding out your exact location, then Wi-Fi and GSM/3G/LTE can also indirectly indicate your position. Now our task is to force this information to be transmitted to us in order to track a person on the map exactly from a few meters to a couple of kilometers.

Ways to track a person's location on Android

Google offers 3 ways to find out the location on the map, for two of them you need to know someone else's account and password.

Method #1 from Google. Friends on the map

Method number 2 from Google. Remote control

  • You must know the account and password of the account of the person you are trying to track.
  • Download the application " Remote control "or go from your computer in your browser to the page " Remote control "
  • Log in with the account of the person you want to track, after which you will be able to see the location of the device on the map

Method No. 3 from Google. Chronology

You must know the account and password of the account of the person you are trying to track.

Unlike “Remote control”, the chronology method does not show the current location at the current minute, but you can track a person’s movement over the course of a day, week, month.

  • Go to the page " Chronology «
  • Select the date you are interested in, after which you will be able to move the “object” for the entire specified time

Now let's look at other applications that allow you to find out a person's location.

Application WhereMy.Tracker

In order to find out where a person is, you will need to install a special application “WhereMy.Tracker”.

The application does not work in “hidden mode” or “spy mode”, that is, it notifies the user that you are trying to find out where he is.

The application works for 3 days in trial mode, then 99 r/month. In order for everything to work as it should, you need to install the application on Android, register, and use the “Where are My” application to track. Monitor" or web service.

GPS Tracking App Pro

The tracking method is as follows:

  1. Install the application
  2. Enter your phone number for registration
  3. Invite other users, they install the application
  4. Add to the list of necessary people
  5. Follow the movement

That's all! At the moment, these are the most popular ways to track a person’s position on a map.

Besides the game Angry Birds, which is played by millions of smartphone users, as well as taking photos of themselves with them, these digital gadgets can be much more useful than just for entertainment. Greatest usefulness. Many smartphone apps can help you save money and time.

Most programs for modern digital gadgets are very easy to use. However, we caution you to use them while driving, especially in difficult road conditions or at high speed. Using a phone is very distracting and reduces your reaction time while driving.

2) Multi-fuel

An application that tracks prices at gas stations. Operates in many regions of Russia. An indispensable item for traveling by car. It will help you choose a high-quality gas station with the optimal fuel price in advance. Also, this program for a smartphone can build a route to the gas station of your choice, taking into account the road conditions. When we often come to an unfamiliar locality, we usually don’t know where the prices are reasonable and what gas stations are of high quality. With this application you can be calm and not be afraid that you will buy low-quality products.


The application helps you quickly and easily find interesting objects not far from your location. The application, using the built-in transmitter, will help you find Banks, Bars, Gas Stations, Hospitals, Hotels, Cinemas, Restaurants, Supermarkets and many other objects near you. This program is ideal for people who are in unfamiliar territory. We advise you to install this application if you arrive in an unfamiliar place without determining the route before the trip.

The application only works on iOS, Android and Windows Phone

4) Yelp

Remember how you felt when you first purchased your car? For most car enthusiasts, these feelings are associated with adventure and travel. The Yelp application will allow you to easily explore new unfamiliar places in any locality. New restaurants, new shops and much more. The application will not allow you to miss all the fun. All new objects offered by the application will be shown to you based on your location. The service is useful for a large number of connected users who leave their reviews about each object on the map. After reading a review, for example, about a store near you, the application will help you decide whether to buy some goods from it or whether to find another outlet.

There are reviews about almost everything you might encounter along the way. Including some not far from you.

5) DailyRoads Voyager DVR

In the last few years, DVRs have become widespread in Russia. This is due to the imperfection of legislation. Having a recording, you can prove and really establish who is at fault for the accident. There are often controversial accidents as a result of which traffic police officers often make a decision not in favor of the victim. To avoid being unjustifiably guilty of a traffic accident, it is not necessary to buy expensive DVRs. Many of us have smartphones, and the camera built into them has good resolution. By downloading the DailyRoads Voyager video recorder application, you can record everything that happens while you are driving on the road.

6) GPS Anti-Radar (detector)

An excellent and indispensable program for identifying in advance camera photo and video recording of traffic violations. It is noteworthy that the application, at a speed above 20 km/h, warns us about the presence of a photo recording camera, which measures the speed of movement. Although the program does not warn you about it before this speed, since exceeding the speed of up to 20 km/h does not fall under administrative liability. The relevance of the Strelka or Start ST camera location databases is constantly updated. Works throughout Russia.

7) Assistance in case of accident 77

Our online publication hopes that you will never have to use this application. But nevertheless, this program should be on your phone. "Accident Help 77" will help you, in the event of recording important information about the accident. You will not miss any important details of what happened. You can also take photographs of the damaged car using the program. Unfortunately, it only works in Moscow and the region. The program has built-in detailed instructions for your actions in case of... Using the application, you can call the necessary emergency services, including a tow truck.

8) Roads of Russia

The application is a people's map, where community users leave their reviews and photographs about the roads of the Russian Federation, pointing out shortcomings (potholes, potholes, etc.). In addition, the application, using the motion sensor built into the smartphone, determines the quality of roads. If there are bumps and potholes when driving along such a section of the road, the phone determines the quality of the road surface. Data about the quality of the road is transmitted to the server, which, by processing the data, makes adjustments to the map, accessible to all users of the service.

9) Trapster

There is often a discussion online about how correct it is to warn each other about the whereabouts of employees. Some say that this is correct, others, on the contrary, say that this is how drivers get used to it. You can argue about this endlessly. But nevertheless, there are situations when the road situation changes frequently. For example, the permitted set speed changes, which is indicated by a noticeable road sign. Under such conditions, most of us may unintentionally violate. And how strange it is that often in such situations there are employees nearby who always issue us a fine. To prevent this from happening to you, we recommend installing the Trapster application, where road users inform each other about traffic jams, ambushes and other important road information

10) Phone applications compatible with car infotainment systems(MBrace, BMW ConnectedDrive, Infiniti Connect, MyFord Mobile, OnStar)

With these apps you can integrate your smartphone with your car's infotainment system. These applications will help you see the location of the car on the screen of your phone, control the music system and many other functions of the vehicle.

Many of these applications are free, although some applications require VIN entry and registration with confirmation. Having done all this, your smartphone will connect to the car so that you can use it to its full potential.

For example, integrated applications will help you see on the car screen information about incoming SMS messages to your phone, about callers from the phone book. Also, some car brands can display Internet pages on their displays, which are transmitted from a smartphone equipped with a 3G/4G module. Including, by connecting a smartphone or tablet to the car, you can see the remaining fuel, power reserve and much more on the screen.

Some applications can display information about . In order to find out which application is suitable for your car, you need to contact the official dealer of your brand. Also keep in mind that not all smartphone models support software that helps integrate your phone with your car.

The most popular messenger in the world from former employees of Yahoo!, with more than 450 million user base, and the main enemy of mobile operators, because of which all reasonable owners of phones and smartphones will soon completely forget about SMS. Since 2009, it has successfully helped its users send text messages, as well as videos, pictures and audio. At the same time, WhatsApp developers, unlike their competitors, focused specifically on messages, abandoning support for audio and video calls, which gave them the opportunity to bring their functionality to almost perfection. However, after the recent purchase of WhatsApp by Zuckerberg, it became known that voice calls may appear in the application.

iPhone owners can talk about iMessage as much as they want, which allows you to send messages and any files no less painlessly on your budget, but everyone has plenty of friends who use Android and other platforms.

Free basic features

with phone book




The application can be used for free only for the first year, after which you will have to pay $0.99. Although those who bought the app a long time ago at the price of $0.99 have now received a lifetime subscription.

iPad is not supported.

You cannot make calls over the Internet via WhatsApp - all calls are made exclusively through your mobile operator.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook recently bought WhatsApp for $19 billion, but Zuckerberg continues to slowly develop his messenger. Having gotten rid of an annoying competitor, which in just a few years had easily captured the Eastern and South American audience, he gained time to further improve his application. But, in our opinion, Facebook Messenger is already pretty good, and its only drawback is that it is aimed exclusively at Facebook users. Until Zuckerberg resolves this issue, the application is closed to the big world of messengers.








Synced well with Facebook - when you receive a message, you'll be taken to Messenger, but can also be taken back to your Facebook feed. But if all this were combined in one application, it would be much more convenient.

The stickers here are extremely varied. Actually, just exchanging these funny emojis can be done endlessly.

Minimalist functionality - it's just a messenger, nothing extra.


The main disadvantage of the messenger is that it is only available to Facebook users. This is actually a plus, but it automatically removes it from the list of universal messengers available to absolutely everyone.


A Japanese messenger with a standard set of functions for sending messages and files, which is also a gaming platform and a mini-social network. In addition to, in fact, the basic functionality of a regular messenger, Line allows users to share their statuses and comment on others - in general, do the same thing as in other social networks. A long time ago, the main difference of this application were funny stickers with funny cartoons, which became one of the founders of the emoji fashion, but now this will not surprise anyone.








The main difference of this application is its funny stickers, reminiscent of emoticons from Facebook and, in fact, significantly inferior to them.

A large list of games that you can play with your chat partner. But who actually plays them is not clear.

Line supports official celebrity accounts, although there are not very many of them so far - we were only able to find Katy Perry and Paul McCartney.


Even if you synchronize with your phone book, you will see a pathetic list of three friends in the application.

Most of the stickers and other additional pleasures are paid separately - 66 rubles apiece.


The second most popular instant messenger after WhatsApp, it differs only in the presence of audio calls, a smaller user base and a less sophisticated design. In the end, if you like to communicate via instant messengers and focus your choice primarily on your friends, then Viber should definitely appear on your phone: it is used by that part of your friends who have ignored WhatsApp.








With Viber you can call even those users who do not have it installed. This service is called Viber Out and costs money - prices can be found in Viber itself. Considering the Internet fee, this will not cost you much less than regular calls.


Due to its Israeli origins, Viber is suspected by Egyptian and Lebanese authorities of supporting Zionist spies. Therefore, before traveling to Lebanon, it is better to install another messenger for insurance.


The youngest, but at the same time one of the most promising representatives of the messenger family, created in 2013 by Pavel Durov’s company Digital Fortress. On the very first day of launch, the entire Internet accused the creators of 100% plagiarism of WhatsApp (they even have similar dialogue backgrounds!) and many other errors, and at the same time once again reminded Durov of the similarities between VKontakte and Facebook. Meanwhile, this messenger has a number of undeniable advantages such as high loading speed of everything, good information security and other pleasant little things. According to Durov, Telegram, as we see it now, is just an intermediate product, which after proper testing can become completely different, and the visual similarity with its older brother is just a starting point. At the same time, the lack of a Russian interface, which all schoolchildren continue to complain about, clearly hints at grandiose plans to capture the world market.








Instead of the usual stickers for competitors, there is a search for images throughout the Internet, that is, instead of a paid image with a dancing walrus from a limited set of the application, you can attach to a message a photo of absolutely any walrus from the Internet, or even a hippopotamus.

Integration with VKontakte is completely absent, and this is a plus, at least because even if VKontakte is closed or Durov himself finally leaves there, the messenger will remain afloat.

To the delight of Android fans, Durov perceives this platform as the main one for this application.


Unfortunately for iOS fans, Durov sees Android as the main platform for this application.


The messenger of the future with self-destructing information and simply an ideal communication application that erases all your messages a maximum of ten seconds after reading. The most interesting thing is that each text must be accompanied by a photo or video taken in real time. With these unusual and uncomfortable rules, Snapchat most closely resembles real interaction between people, and not the pre-prepared monologues that we are accustomed to when corresponding on social networks and other instant messengers. After all, everything you say in a normal conversation is not recorded on the hard drive and after a while disappears forever. To experience these unprecedented sensations, you just need to register, take a photo, put some simple text on top, set the destruction timer from one to ten seconds and send the resulting message to one of your friends.


Recently, more and more news has appeared about an application that can easily help you find out how you are recorded in other users’ phones.

Let's figure out what kind of program does such miracles on your smartphone. I think you are already interested, because you can always be tormented by curiosity about how you are listed in another person’s phone book.

How to find out how you are recorded by others?

Let me start with the fact that the applications that we will consider today were created solely for the purpose of user safety.

Let's imagine a situation where an unknown number calls you and you have no idea who it is. If this number is included in the database of a program of this nature, then you can easily find out the name. Perhaps this will help identify some scammer, as an example of application.

There are more and more program options. The most important thing can be called GetContact, and a more minor one, which is just gaining popularity - NumBuster.

How does it work and how to use GetContact?

After you have learned their names and what to install, you can and should first understand the principle of operation. This is very important information that you need to know before installation.

How it works and use. The idea is quite simple - when you register in one of these programs, you give access to your phone book. Thus, you replenish the database of numbers and names.

Now imagine that some number is calling you and when the database is checked, as a result you simply see the entire list of name options, how exactly this person is signed up with users in phone books.

If you are curious and enter your number in the search, the result will be the same. And if suddenly someone signed you up not very decently, then the program does not provide you with who exactly did it. Anonymity is paramount.

Problems. However, curiosity is a very evil thing and in some countries, these applications have been blocked. Just imagine how many problems this opportunity can bring. Everything seems to be confidential, but the data can say a lot.

For example, if this is a man and someone signed him with a woman’s name, then it is quite possible that he is cheating. Another example, someone can understand your name by your number and then find the place where you work and so on.

I personally have not registered in it and I do not advise you, you will sleep better. Fortunately, as some sources claim, GetContact already gives only one name option.

If you suddenly want to play it safe and remove your number from this database, then this is easy to organize, because the developers provide such an opportunity.

How to delete a number in GetContact?

On the official page, the developers gave the opportunity to enter your number and within 24 hours, it will be deleted from the database. Here is the link - www.getcontact.com/en/unlist.

And before doing this, first delete your account if you registered. This way, you can avoid problems that no one really needs.