Make beautiful art online. How to Make Art from a Photo in Adobe Photoshop

But still, it offers you a fairly extensive online image editing program, perhaps the simplest, but very functional. Combining traditional simple editing features and filters with advanced tools such as smart recoloring (Advanced tab), color curve, and more, FotoFlex editor allows users to create, adjust, enhance and ultimately transform photos and images from virtually anywhere with access. in Internet. The editor also offers a wide range of enhancements, fonts and special effects.

FotoFlex also has functions such as rotation, size measurement and cropping, rotation, drawing, erasing, filling. Once you upload a photo for editing, you will see a simple interface on the basic tab: Auto fix, Red eye fix, Crop, Resize. The program has a wide range of effects, such as blurred contours, black and white photography, comic book effect, art, stencil and many others.

Unlike the program, this editor is simplified and has some effects, using which you do not need to be professionals in photo editing.

One-click effects

This photo shows how you can make a one-click photo effect in different styles and pop art style. And these are just two of more than 20 effects - pixelate, night vision, painting, blur outlines, old photo, saturation and much more!

Insert face

This function is located in the Design tab, using it you can insert your face or the face of your friend into a hole in another photo.

In one click you can “paint” your face onto another photo from the offered assortment (bodybuilder, dollar bill and several celebrity options). You can change the size and angle of the face to fit the new photo. This option contains few templates to use, but it is surprisingly easy to use!

Let's look at how to fix red eyes or change eye color using this photo editor

1. First you need to add a photo in which we will remove red eyes. Click on the Add Image button and upload a photo.

Navigate to the folder containing the photo you would like to edit and double-click on it. The photo will be loaded into FotoFlexer and will be available for editing.

2. Go to the "Basic" tab at the top of the screen, and then click the "Fix Red Eye" button.

If you want to know how to change your eye color, then skip to step 4.

3. Once you have clicked the "Fix Red Eye" button, you will simply need to click on the center of each eye and click the "Done" button.

The photo shows how the eyes will look after using this function. Just a couple of clicks and no more red eyes!

4. Upload the photo you want and go to the Advanced tab at the top right of the editor and click the Custom Recolor button.

A window like this will appear. Zoom in on the photo by moving the slider to the right to make it easier to change the color. Under the View option, click on the arrows and select “Processed” and set the brush size you need and the color you want. There is no need to change anything else.

Pop art is the stylization of images using certain colors. To take your photos in this style, you don’t have to be a guru, since special online services make it possible to create pop art stylization in just a couple of clicks, which in most photos turns out to be of very high quality.

Here you don't need to put in much effort to achieve the desired effect. In most cases, you just need to upload an image, select the pop art style you are interested in, perhaps adjust a couple of settings, and you can download the converted image. However, if you want to apply any other style that is not in the editors, or significantly modify the style built into the editor, you will not be able to do this due to the limited functionality of the service.

Method 1: Popartstudio

This service gives you a large selection of different styles from different eras - from the 50s to the late 70s. In addition to using already created templates, you can edit them using settings to suit your needs. All features and styles are completely free and available to non-registered users.

However, in order to download a finished photo in good quality, without a service watermark, you will have to register and pay a monthly subscription costing 9.5 euros. Additionally, the service has been completely translated into Russian, but in some places its quality leaves much to be desired.

The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. On the main page you can view all available styles and change the language if necessary. To change the site language, find in the top panel "English"(by default) and click on it. From the context menu, select "Russian".
  2. After setting the language, you can begin choosing a template. It is worth remembering that the settings will be adjusted depending on the selected layout.
  3. As soon as the selection is made, you will be redirected to the settings page. Initially, you need to upload the photo you plan to work with. To do this, click in the field "File" By "Choose File".
  4. Will open "Conductor", where you need to specify the path to the image.
  5. After loading the image on the site, you need to click on the button "Load", which is opposite the field "File". This is necessary so that the photo, which is always the default in the editor, changes to yours.
  6. Initially, pay attention to the top panel in the editor. Here you can flip and/or rotate the image by a certain degree amount. To do this, click on the first four icons on the left.
  7. If you are not satisfied with the default values ​​of advanced settings, but do not want to mess with them, then use the button "Random values", which is presented in the form of a dice.
  8. To return all values ​​to default, notice the arrow icon in the top bar.
  9. You can also customize colors, contrast, transparency, and text (the last two provided your template provides them). To change the colors, look at the colored squares at the bottom of the left toolbar. Click on one of them with the left mouse button, after which the color selection palette will open.
  10. The control in the palette is a little awkward. You initially need to click on the desired color, after which it will appear in the lower left window of the palette. If it appears there, then click on the icon with the arrow located to the right. As soon as the desired color is in the lower right window of the palette, click on the apply icon (looks like a white checkmark on a green background).
  11. Additionally, you can “play” with the contrast and opacity parameters, if there are any in the template.
  12. To see the changes you have made, click on the button "Update".
  13. If you are satisfied with everything, then keep your job. Unfortunately, normal function "Save" not on the site, so move the cursor over the finished image, right-click and select from the drop-down menu "Save image as...".

Method 2: PhotoFunia

This service has very limited, but completely free functionality for creating pop art, and you won’t be forced to pay for downloading the finished result without a watermark. The site is entirely in Russian.

A small step-by-step instruction looks like this:

Method 3: Photo-kako

This is a Chinese site, which is quite well translated into Russian, but it has obvious problems with design and usability - the interface elements are located inconveniently and overlap each other, and there is no design at all. Fortunately, there is a very large list of settings that will allow you to create high-quality pop art.

The instructions look like this:

It is possible to make pop art using Internet resources, but you may encounter limitations in the form of little functionality, an inconvenient interface, and watermarks on the finished image.

Text: Victor Bespaly

The computer has changed its role more than once during its evolution. If earlier it was bought in order to create, now it has turned into a center for multimedia entertainment. You can watch movies, listen to music, play games on your computer - and that’s enough for most people. But not for those who want to create. Today we will talk about how you can draw on a computer - and at the same time draw beautifully.

A true designer is unthinkable without an artistic education; he must have excellent command of the techniques of drawing (pencil, charcoal), graphics (watercolor, gouache, pencil, ink, etc.), painting (gouache, watercolor, tempera, acrylic, oil). But everyone can master computer graphics. A computer in the hands of an ordinary person can turn into an obedient instrument for the embodiment of his artistic idea - the very one that he cannot translate on paper.

The first thing to remember is that there are two types of graphic files: vector and raster. The set of tools and programs you need will depend on which graphics you prefer. In vector files, an image is formed by a set of curves and shading functions. Each time you open this image, the editor program draws the image from scratch. In raster files, a picture is a set of dots with a color parameter, and the picture is universal, but takes up more space.


One of the most important parameters of a computer is the amount of RAM.

Contrary to many claims, you don't need a very fast processor to draw on a computer. A real frequency of 1.5-2 GHz is quite enough, it will be Intel or AMD - it makes no difference, it all depends on the means and preferences you have. The most important parameter of a computer working with graphics is the amount of RAM; the more of it, the better. Our work applications, such as Photoshop, Painter, OpenCanvas (or even 3DS MAX), love it when there is a lot of RAM. And if you are going to create complex multi-layer compositions (and you definitely are?), then you can’t get away with the standard 512 MB DDR. We recommend installing at least 1 GB; The speed of RAM affects performance less noticeably.

You don’t need a cutting-edge video card for drawing, and the brand doesn’t really matter either. However, there is an established opinion that the best cards for drawing and graphics are produced by Matrox.

Now the main thing: the periphery. And we'll start with the good old scanner- without it, the artist will have a very difficult time, but he is needed, first of all, to enter background blanks into the computer. For example, you drew a palm tree and now you need to place it on an island by the sea. Take a similar illustration on paper, scan it, stylize it as a painting and place it as a layer under a palm tree. A digital camera can compensate for the lack of a scanner, but in this application it will only cope with the task with a C grade. You can make sketches by hand on plain paper, and then correct them on the computer after scanning them. A decent scanner will cost you 2 – 2.5 thousand rubles.

And finally, the main peripheral device for a computer artist is digitizer or tablet. They come in two main types - drawing and graphic. Drawing tablet created for CAD applications such as AutoCAD, 3DStudioMAX and their analogues. Such tablets have a pen without a degree of pressure - it is either pressed or not, there are no details provided here. The main advantages of these tablets are high resolution and positioning accuracy; an old model with a large area will cost approximately 1,800 rubles.

Graphics tablet differs in the following: a small area (graphics have small areas compared to drawings); It positions the point more roughly, but it feels pressure on the pen, and this is a big plus. If you use Adobe Photoshop, then working with chiaroscuro and brushes of different thicknesses will be much easier. Additionally, you can use a function that makes the stroke brighter or paler depending on the pressure applied - as a result, we get the opportunity to draw a lighter or darker “spot” without changing the brush.

For our case, graphics tablets are best suited. Prices for non-professional models start from 800 rubles; As you understand, the more expensive the tablet, the better it is and the more convenient it is to work on it. However, even on a small A6 matrix everything can look quite tolerable.

Another useful device - uninterruptable power source. It’s better to play it safe than to later grieve over the loss of the brilliant creation you’ve been poring over for a week. The estimated price depends on the desired capacity and the number of connected devices. In order to have time to save the drawing at the right time and turn off the computer correctly, a UPS costing 1,000 rubles is quite enough.

Common mice

A rather exotic input method is trackball- an inverted mouse with a large ball. The user rotates this ball with his fingers. The advantage of a trackball over a mouse is its high precision of cursor movement at low speeds. The trackball is inconvenient for everyday use.

In choise mice everything is quite simple: does it fit comfortably in the hand, is there scrolling or a 3rd button, etc., all this is entirely up to your taste. A separate conversation about rugs; rugs should be purchased specifically, and not used as a bonus for a new computer.

A mechanical mouse pad should be both slippery and grippy. This means that the mouse should not stick to the carpet, but the ball should literally bite into it. For optics, it is better to choose a mat so that the mouse does not move the cursor while standing still. The size of the mat should also be optimal - too large ones take up a lot of space on the table, and too small ones force the user to frequently move the mouse away from the edge of the mat.

You can also draw with a regular mouse. But it's not necessary.


There is a whole range of software tools - from simple computer drawing tools to professional packages. The Windows shell includes one of the simplest packages - Paint. Using the example of working with this package, you can get an initial idea of ​​​​the techniques for creating graphic files. There are also more serious packages, for example, Adobe Photoshop. Let's try to briefly go through the main programs and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Painter is one of the best drawing programs.

Painter- the best program for a computer artist. Now version 8 has been released, called Corel Painter. Don't be fooled by phrases like "Procreate Painter is better than Corel Painter" - it's the same program. Painter easily imitates all currently known real materials for drawing and painting, and even the styles of individual famous artists. The interface is intuitive, the only drawback of the program is that it is paid.

Adobe Photoshop- a package focused more on photo processing than on drawing. However, it contains many essential tools for an artist. Painting in it is not very convenient, but coloring comic book pictures is great, and applying different styles and filters to them is even better. The great advantage of Photoshop is that a huge number of filters, brushes and other add-ons have been created for it. You can easily convert all your sketches into a single gallery with a recognizable style. Photoshop is paid and expensive, but it's worth it.

Photoshop is a powerful graphics editor for all occasions.

OpenCanvas- a completely free program for artists, very light and convenient, but in terms of functionality it is very inferior to expensive analogues. In many ways it repeats the flagships, but is greatly simplified. The project is developing, new updates are released periodically. Can be recommended to all aspiring artists.

OpenCanvas is free and functional - that's what's great about it.

Ambient Design ArtRage- a special program that allows you to draw almost works of art using a tablet computer or tablet. You can either draw it yourself or use any digital photograph as a background; You can draw not only on a tablet computer, but also using an ordinary mouse or tablet. A very useful and absolutely free program.

Ambient Design ArtRage was created specifically for tablet computers.

Corel Draw- vector graphic editor. For a long time it was considered a toy for amateurs; professionals disdained the program, preferring Adobe Illustrator. But the Canadian company Corel did not stand still - the situation changed after the release of episode 10. The program has grown so much that today we can already recognize it as a very serious vector graphics tool. It will appeal to everyone - from a green beginner trying to draw “in Korel” for the first time, to a pro who can quickly use it to create some fashionable trademark or label for a new type of beer.

Corel Draw is a powerful vector editor.

By combining these editors with each other, you can achieve almost any result. The only thing worth remembering is that the vector editor is always primary, and the raster editor is secondary. That is, after editing a file in a raster editor, it can no longer be converted to vector format; you can only apply the next layer.

Summarize. A must-have kit for a computer artist is Painter or Photoshop. Optional - Flash, Corel Draw, OpenCanvas. A vector editor allows you to create an image from scratch, while a raster editor works better with blanks. This, of course, does not mean that you can’t draw something decent, or even even brilliant, in Photoshop. But it’s more convenient to draw in vector programs.

Options for practical use

Budget. Mouse, pad, raster editor.

If you have invested a little more than the standard 10 dollars in a mouse pad and a mouse, and even if you have a lot of patience and at least as much time, then, of course, you will draw something. Unfortunately, drawing with a regular mouse is very difficult. At best, the resulting drawings are in the style of children's primitivism.

Minimum. Scanner, sheet of paper, pencil, mouse, raster or vector editor.

This method is quite labor-intensive, but allows you to get good results. The idea is simple - you make a sketch on paper, scan it and process it in a graphics editor. The better the software, the better the drawing will be.

Comfortable. Mouse, scanner, Corel Draw, high-quality mouse pad.

It is very convenient if the mouse polling frequency is high, and with the help of vector editors you can draw any curved lines correctly. But this method is only good for vector editors.

How to. Graphics tablet, scanner, trackball, Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop.

With this set you can draw at a high level, you are limited only by your skills and imagination.

Graphics tablet

A tablet is an ideal device for drawing.

Probably, almost everyone who has ever picked up an electronic pen and tried to draw something on a graphics tablet has experienced bewilderment and disappointment. It looks so much like a regular pen, but the feeling of drawing is completely different. And the results, frankly speaking, are not brilliant. Perhaps the result will be better if you understand the principle of operation of these miracle plates.

A special mesh is installed inside the tablet. These are conductors made from the thinnest copper strips. Each of them can be compared to a receiving antenna that receives a signal from an electronic pen. They allow special chips to track the position of the pen on the tablet and transmit its coordinates to the chip. Then the driver and drawing program are turned on.

When we move the pen over the active area of ​​the tablet, a trace remains on the screen, if we have a graphics editor loaded and a drawing tool is selected. Many tablets have a transparent plastic cover that can be removed so you can put a picture or photo underneath. This way you can trace the image, copying it. The pen itself has one end for drawing and the other for erasing. The design and principle of operation of all tablets are almost the same.

Good luck!

Everyone knows that Adobe Photoshop allows you to create anything you want with photographs and images. Most users resort to using Photoshop only when there is a need to do retouching, correct the skin and face. However, you can also create very interesting and unusual effects for photos. There are many effects and it is impossible to talk about each one. In this article we will figure out how to make art from a photo in Photoshop. Let's get started. Go!

Interesting effects in action

For example, let's take a photograph of a famous actor

The first step is to choose the photo you will work with. Next, create a duplicate layer. Please note that it is always better to work with the duplicate rather than the image itself. Now go to the “Filter” menu and in the list that appears, click “Blur”. Select "Smart blur". In the window that opens, you need to set the desired parameters. In the "Quality" section, select "High" and in the "Mode" section, select "Edge Only". Move the Radius and Threshold sliders to get the desired result. Choose values ​​close to 8 for Radius and 48 for Threshold.

We set the parameters close to what is shown in the example

The next step is to invert the resulting image. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+I. Now you can turn off the current layer. Create a new one above the layer with the original photo and fill it with white.

Next, create horizontal lines in a separate document. Use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+Alt by pressing the right arrow to copy the line. Copy about 20 or more of them. Combine all the lines together, and then rotate them at an angle of 45 degrees.

The next step is to select a square 100x100 pixels in size and cut out a fragment with lines so that the result is a square completely filled with lines.

Now you need to exactly repeat the last two steps only with the lines inclined in the opposite direction.

Go back to the main document and duplicate the layer, then place it above the white layer. Open the “Image” menu, click “Adjustments” in the pop-up window. Then select Threshold. In the corresponding box, set the level value. It should be close to 118. In principle, you can stop at this step, but let's go further and use the prepared blanks with lines.

Isohelium image correction

Go to the layer style and check the box for “Pattern Overlay”. In the “Blend Mode” section, set it to “Lighteen”. Next, select the striped pattern you created earlier.

The main effect is achieved precisely by the combination of inclined lines

Now we need to convert the layer into a smart object. Right-click on the layer and select “Convert to smart Object”. Set the layer's blending mode to "Multiply".

Create a new duplicate of the original layer, moving it to the top. Apply isohelium to it, overlay the layer and convert it to a smart object similar to the previous steps, only now set the isohelium level to 100 instead of 118, and use a reverse stripe pattern when overlaying the layer. Turn on the layer that you turned off at the very beginning. Ready.

After this you can add some texture. Apply it to the resulting image by overlay, selecting the “Multiply” mode. Adjust the transparency level and your art is ready.

Now let's look at how to make pop art in Photoshop. This is a fairly popular effect that is often used by social network users.

Original photo for pop art

After selecting the photo you want, make a duplicate layer. Open the Filter menu, then go to Artistic and select Cutout. In the parameters window, move the sliders “Number of Levels”, “Edge Simplicity”, “Edge Fidelity” so as to get the desired result.

Move the sliders as desired

The next step is to create another duplicate layer, but this time the one to which you applied the filter. Go to the Filter Gallery, this can be done through the “Filter” menu. Then open the "Sketch" section. There you will find the “Halftone Pattern”, which is exactly what you need. On the right, in the settings block, set “Dot” in the “Pattern Type” item and move the sliders to get the desired look.

Dot size and contrast may vary

Next, set the blending mode to “Overlay”. You can stop at this stage if you are satisfied with the resulting photo. You can also select the original layer, duplicate it and place it above all the others, and then adjust the transparency value based on your own preferences. Ready.

Simple manipulations - new pop art is ready

The modern world is changing everything, and anyone can become anything, even an artist. In order to draw, it is not necessary to work in some special place; it is enough to simply have programs for drawing art on your computer. This article shows the most famous of these programs.

Any graphic editor can be called a program for drawing art, although not every such editor is able to satisfy your desires. It is for this reason that this list will contain a variety of programs with different functionality. The most important thing is that each of the programs can become either a separate tool in your hands or be included in your set, which you can use in different ways.

This graphic editor is not intended for drawing art. More precisely, it was not designed for this. When it was created, the programmers were inspired by children, and the fact that it is in childhood that we become who we are now. This children's program has musical accompaniment and many instruments, but is not very suitable for drawing high-quality art.


This art creation program is very similar to . It has everything that Photoshop has - layers, corrections, the same tools. But not all tools are available in the free version, and this is an important disadvantage.


ArtRage is the most unique program in this collection. The fact is that the program has a set of tools that are great for drawing not only with a pencil, but also with paints, both oil and watercolor. Moreover, the image drawn with these tools is very similar to the real one. The program also includes layers, stickers, stencils and even tracing paper. The main advantage is that each tool can be configured and saved as a separate template, thereby expanding the capabilities of the program.


If Artweaver was similar to Photoshop, then this program is more like standard Paint with Photoshop capabilities. It includes tools from Paint, layers, corrections, effects, and even taking an image from a camera or scanner. Plus to all this, it is completely free. The only downside is that sometimes it works much slower with 3D images.


This art drawing program is quite a powerful tool in the hands of an experienced user. It has very wide functionality and a lot of possibilities. The most notable feature is the conversion of a raster image to a vector one. There are also tools for working with layers, text and paths.


This graphics editor is another copy of Adobe Photoshop, but it has a few differences. True, these differences are rather superficial. There is also work with layers, image correction and filters, but there is also image transformation, and access to it is quite easy.

Paint Tool Sai

A huge number of different instrument settings allow you to create an almost new instrument, which is a plus of the program. Plus, you can directly customize the toolbar. But, unfortunately, all this is available for only one day, and then you have to pay.

In our modern times, it is not necessary to be able to draw to create art; it is enough just to have one of the programs presented in this list. They all have one common goal, but almost each of them approaches this goal in different ways, however, with the help of these programs you can create truly beautiful and unique art. What software do you use to create art?